Hogwarts reacts to GoT S03E07 “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” (part two)



  1. Jaime was banned from being on my good-side until he crawled out from Cersei's cunt. Under there, he was capable of throwing orphanages full of babies out of windows to die, and not batted an eyelash.

  2. Top notch acting by the actor that plays Jaime, what he did was so against how his character was portrayed until this scene and yet the way he acted it didn't seem like spontaneous character flip.

  3. I don't know, I wouldn't look at Jon and Ygrittes relationship as "clingy" but moreso just intense and passionate. Two people from different walks and ways of life fall in love. Theres bound to be intense passion in there somewhere. Give Ygritte a little slack. I like her lol.

  4. Im really glad and happy that I found your channel. Saw your reaction back in season 2 and subscribed, and I binged every reaction ever since. Bunch of cool people and awesome reactions by Hogwart.
    Also it will help us to remember some stuff from the previous episodes πŸ™‚
    Keep up the great work guys πŸ‘πŸΌ

  5. The moment when everyone unanimously joins Team Jaime. Yeah, you give him a nod of approval when he prevents Brienne from getting raped, feel kinda bad for him after getting his hand cut off, even like him after he tells the true story behind killing the Mad King. But this is the first time you cheer for the guy

  6. I wonder People are sticking for RED WEDDING ( the eagerness to see Hogwarts lose her GOT virginity 😜 ) but after that wait ends , don't u think 3 episodes a week would be too much for people to hang around , like the eagerness might turn into frustration and people might start losing interest ,,, maybe after red wedding u should upload Episodes every other day Atleast , u should upload all GOT episodes before 27 oct approx. when Stranger things 2 releases , I think that would be best , Don't take so long that eagerness turns into frustration ,,,,, That's my opinion

  7. She feels like crying coz she always hated Jaime. Also she enjoyed the moment his hand chopped off and all the horrible things Locke did to him… But he proved that there is still good left in him, and he is so selfless that he didn't even think before jumping into the pit without having his fighting hand.
    But the fact is he was always an honourable man, only problem was "The things he do for love".

  8. "I need a drink" ha once you get to episode 9 you'll need more than one drink if ya catch my driftπŸ˜‰ also I can't believe HBO had Jaime being attacked by a bear as the thumbnail like what lol when I watched it on HBO on demand each episode just had the seasons poster as the Thumbnail…so all of season 1 for example just had Ned sitting on the iron throne looking down.


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