Hogwarts reacts to GoTS04E01 “Two Swords” (part two)



  1. Well done as always. Very belated (and a bit early) Happy Holidays to you! Let's get the tension started with Season 4. 😀

    When it comes to first and second episodes, my favorites are of this season. Nice to see Jaime moved up a little bit on the scale. Cersei doesn't see herself perfectly reflected in him anymore.

  2. gods bless the Hound. and I think we should just call him by his name Sandor out of respect. when he dropped his mask to tell arya to stop going in and then turning around and acting like a badass. well. and if you ONLY listen to his voice, wouldn't you love it if he were in bed with you? go SanSan. those chickens are both the idjits in the room. but also HIS chicks that he protects. arya and sansa.

  3. Guys, I really think you should start telling Hogwarts when something is mentioned before, like the Ice scene for example, she didn't know what she was looking at (I think), you should've told her right away that that's Ned's sword. Also, when Arya was repeating to Polliver the things he's said before, I don't think she got that scene either, which is totally expected, particularly when you're binging series, you have no time to think through about the episode you just watched and it doesn't sink in enough if you watch the next one straight away. It will make more sense to her and it's better imo, if she's experiencing it the way it's intended. I rushed through the series 1st time as well, and on 2nd watch, it felt like I missed 1/3 of the show, I never noticed important things if they're mentioned just once. Anyway, love your reactions, cheers!


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