Hogwarts reacts to GoTS05E07 “The Gift” (part one)

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  1. I wonder if her views on different characters will change while reading the book. Especially towards Daenerys, Stannis, and Tyrion (spoiler warning, just in case…) 
    Daenerys and Tyrion are much more morally ambiguous than how they are portrayed in the show. I really enjoyed Daenerys in the books because she was sooo different than everyone else. I do feel like Daenerys has a kind heart, though her character teeter-totters between humanitarian queen and mad queen. Her character is always dreaming of the future, but has a tendency to make short term decisions (aka abandoning the cities she took and liberated, which made them weak and easily conquered by others. Or when she marries a Meerenese noble and not a son of house Martel. Her marriage to Hizdad parallels Joffrey’s engagement and treatment of Sansa). I cannot stand her character on the show. She was poorly adapted into Game Of Thrones and shoved onto GoT/ASOIAF fans as a yaaas-slaaay-dragon queen with very little personality (one unique to her, at least) and tons of bad wigs. By making her up to be this beautiful, indestructible force to root for, her character is watered down in cliches and troupes
    Book Tyrion is much more twisted (singer’s stew, anyone?). Still a lovable character, just not the heroic little lion he’s been made out to be. 
    And then there is Stannis. Poor, poor Stannis. D&D (David Benioff and D.B Wise, the ones responsible for adapting the series) have admitted and openly talked about how they hated/hate Stannis. I’m all for people talking about their favorites and least favorite character(s), but D&D treated Stannis’ character the same way preteens do when they write their least favorite and most hated character in fanfiction drabble. Book Stannis is very atheist (believing in Mel’s magic, but not the supposed god she serves), has a very dry sense of humor, and, with the exception of his daughter, puts everyone and everything into the eternal friendzone. He is the exact definition of lawful neutral, with a heart of iron and fire. Surprisingly, he’s one of the few main characters to actually take action to defend the very people he wants to rule over. Stannis treats everyone the same and punishes both nobles and peasants when they are in the wrong. He starts out as annoyingly self righteous, but as his character progresses, it shows that he actually really DOES give a fuck (he is the king who cared, after all!) and is willing to sacrifice everything he has because it may benefit others. I know his character is both loved and hated pretty evenly in the book fandom. It’s easy to see why people dislike his character, he is a bit of an unbending, iron dick. Though, if his character had been adapted properly (and not completely butchered), there would be more stannermen. But instead of working with the irony of having a conventionally unlikable ‘hero’-type character, he was turned into an unlikable ‘villain’-type character. None of his past victories were shown or mentioned (except in a sentence here and there) and the feats he did succeed in during the story-line were given to Jon Snow. They made such petty changes to his story, all to make him look worse: like having him ask the Iron bank for money, when they’re the ones that seek him out to do business with him (…he also signs the damn contract in his own blood jfc). Also: no Proudwing or peach? 🙁 .Show Stannis landed on the wrong side of plot armor. I hope this lady likes him in the books, even if just a little.


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