Hogwarts reacts to GoTS05E09 “The Dance of Dragons” (part one)

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  1. I've heard that most people forgave Melisandre afterwards. I didn't. I always remembered that during this terrible scene everyone looked so very horrified and broken – Stannis, Selyse, Baratheon soldiers – and SHE was the only one wearing a smug and pleased face. I mean, come on! Even if you truly believe this has to be done to save the world, how can you rejoice at that sight?

  2. Ugh, that burning scene is, imo, the most horrific scene in all of GoT. The way her cries build until she is in just pure agony =(

    I hope Melisandre gets a taste of her own medicine before this is all said and done…

  3. I was just wondering if y'all received my post cards. I was promised an autographed pic of y'all and haven't received it yet. Any luck? Thnx a bunch!

    I was also thinking… y'all should have a contest where one subscriber can come and watch an episode with u guys next year when it's released. We pay our own way, get our own hotel and maybe do dinner, drinks, and watch the episode with y'all? That would be cool to do.

  4. I actually like what they did to Stannis (kind of). The fact that he went from a generally noble king to a man willing to burn his daughter alive shows the fall of his character. It’s similar to Macbeth, though not written as well. His list for power is what drives him in the end, and I thought it was pretty interesting.

  5. D&D writing on how to make audience to hate certain characters, introducing newly discovered pedophile Ser Meryn Trant, with guest starring of "I suddenly feel the urged of burning my daughter alive" Stannis Baratheon.

  6. Stannis (An honest, honorable man. A realist, who's a bit of a hardass, yet clearly loves his daughter.) allows this to happen while his wife (A crazy, true believer, and psycho.) has a change of heart and tries for a redemptive 'save' at the last minute. Yeah… makes perfect sense.

  7. Here we go with this whole food thing again! I'm trying NOT to gain weight! Kidding, I love food. I can't believe this is the longest I've ever had to wait before watching one of your reactions!

  8. Does anyone know a series or movie where an army destroys a camp or city by setting fire to hundreds of horses which in return runs in panic through the camp/city burning it to the ground? Cant figure out where i have seen it before

  9. Great reactions. I remember watching this and was hoping some of the soldiers would step up and save her from the fire and start a civil war within the baratheon camp. Sadly they were all cowards.

  10. Tell me, did you ever wonder why the men of the Night's Watch take no wives and father no children?

    So they will not love. Love is the death of duty. If the day should ever come when your lord father was forced to choose between honor on the one hand and those he loves on the other, what would he do?

    Then Lord Stark is one man in 10,000. Most of us are not so strong. What is honor compared to a woman's love? And what is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms? Or a brother's smile?

    We're all human. Oh, we all do our duty when there's no cost to it. Honor comes easy then. Yet sooner or later in every man's life there comes a day when it's not easy. A day when he must choose.

    Aemon Targaryen

  11. This was probably the most difficult scene for me in all of Game of Thrones. It was heart-wrenching (to say the least) and haunted me for days. I still hate watching it.

  12. Just want to say that I had the most mentally draining day today because of personal issues, so sad and angry and this is absolute therapy and meditation to me, not GoT, but a reaction from you guys. Love Hogwarts, love Brian (could listen to him explaining or talk aaaallllll day), love rock n' roll Jeremy and the rest of the amazing friends, love the comment section family, and this is like a big, virtual hug for me. Thank you for all that you are, and do.
    Now, time to watch the reaction, just needed to get that out first, because I have a b s o l u t e l y no one. Sounds pathetic, it kinda' am.
    Tons of love from me to you, friends.

  13. I'm kinda glad that Hodwarts didn't overly react during the Shireen scene. It's sad. Shireen was a sweet character and died a horrible way, but it's a TV show! From some peoples reactions you'd think it was their family member or something! Plenty of deaths on the show hit me harder than this, including Jon's in the next episode.

  14. The two great prophecies of Hogwarts: Tyrion to be Dany’s hand; Shireen died of red woman. Correct me if wrong and please add if more. I can not remember which episodes she made those predictions/wishes


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