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Hogwarts Reacts: Game of Thrones S0607 “The Broken Man” – PART TWO

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  1. 8:52 Oh sweet Hogwarts, let's see who will be killing whom .. 😇 .. a man can't wait to watch your next three reaction-videos!

    PS: A man wants to send you ' a gift for the christmas-tree ' .. will the package still be on time if it arrives between the 15th and 24th of december? A man still has to collect the items for it, so it won't be ready for shipping before next weekend .. a quick response would be appreciated 😘

  2. On a positive note, because I don't want to keep shitting on a show I love, I was heartbroken by Ray's death. Even if they have to cook it up out of nothing, it's always nice to get a reminder of how utterly shitty a place Westeros is.

  3. I've decided not to comment on the discussion vid as I was getting to frustrated with some of the threads 🙄 love the reaction as always. Especially love when Hogwarts corrects Jeremy on Beatles lyrics 😁

  4. Arya surviving that is probably the most bullshit thing that has happened in GoT.

    Robb Stark….arrowed and stabbed in gut….dies
    Roose Bolton….stabbed once in gut…dies
    Jon Snow….stabbed multiple times…..dies

    Arya Stark…stabbed multiple times in gut, knife twisted…..has the strength to free herself, escape, swim to safety, and walks it off as if she were stabbed in her arm

    Utter fucking bullshit!

  5. In S7 the move toward TV / movie style writing and away from GRRM became obvious even to me, but looking back at S6 we can see the rot had already set in. S6 Ep 9 and 10 are amazing but largely because the cheap tricks are supported by all the previous development., however, that is now an increasingly scarce resource.

  6. I have to vent.

    Christ i hate sansa.. Had she just said she had the Knights of the vale on speed dial then Jon would have waited and the total decimation of the wildling forces would have been avoided.

    What did eminem say? "cunning little cunt, little deceitful witch"

    Grr… I can't stand her.

    End of rant.

  7. Hogwarts says "oh that's a nice place. What a lovely peaceful place look how happy everyone is"
    Me: I said the same thing at first. And now I thought to myself. Just wait hogwarts something nice on GOT. We know those don't last. We can't have nice things haha. A few minutes later and it'll all be brutally killed lol

  8. I love the Blackfish. I miss the Blackfish. 🙁 Your reaction to Jaime was awesome, though. 🙂

    Amazing how much Ian McShane can make us feel for a character in a single episode.

    Regarding Arya, at least she didn't die within minutes the way Talisa did. Which means there's always hope!

  9. "No no no why do they end it like this?"… Hannah, what would you do if you had to wait for one episode per week? Season 8 is going to be tough on you. You better prepare… For the wait is dark and full of terrors.

  10. Arya walking through the crowd made me remember the verse "Paranoia strikes deep, into your heart it will creep. It strikes when you're always afraid. Step outta line, they'll come and take you away."

    lesson, don't betray the Faceless Men.

  11. Even if the knife didnt kill her, (and the waif should have poison on her blade and should know the right places to stab) Arya should have 100% died of infection after swimming in filthy canal water with a huge bleeding gut wound.

  12. Remember when everyone thought Arya was only pretending to be stabbed and she secretly was manipulating everyone and had everything planned out or she was Jaquen in disguise or something? And then we found out she was just stupid.

  13. This was a good episode, but it's also the one where it was unquestionably confirmed that Arya's storyline in Braavos had fallen apart at the script stage. Isolated away from everything, her kick-ass revenge in Ep. 10 sort of artificially seems to help salvage that storyline, but it only raises more questions about exactly what the motivation and rules of the Faceless Men are. You can't introduce this magical cult with strict rules, have a new recruit break the shit out of them, sentence said person to death in response, and when that fails, have the magic cult shrug it off and allow that person do whatever the fuck they want whilst explicitly using the cult's techniques. The major difference between Arya in seasons 1-4, versus Arya in S5 and S6, is that she doesn't have strong scene partners in the latter two. Her scenes with Syrio, Tywin, and the Hound are phenomenal, and she unfortunately has no one in 5 and 6 to assist her with replicating that kind of chemistry (especially since they reintroduced Jaqen as a haltingly boring "Jedi master" w/ zero personality, ruining the enigmatic sex appeal he had in S2).

  14. Regarding Arya; I figure she was too engrossed with thoughts of finally going home. It's clear she meant to lure them out and to her hiding spot, but in this moment she's too distracted. A stupid mistake, but a human one none the less.


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