Hogwarts reacts to GoTS07E06 – “Beyond the Wall” (part two)

Sorry it is so late! Brian is working overnights out of state, and couldn’t get it done at the normal time…but here it is!
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  1. OH MY MF GOD ! The suspense at the end of part one almost killed me! 😆
    Well done Brian, well done.

    5:13 Santa (Coldhands) Benjen appears
    5:26 "He knows when Jon is sleeping, he knows when he's awake brooding …" 😇
    🎅 HO HO HO

  2. I gotta say it's a bit odd hearing Brian casually make references to book characters and plot lines while he admits to not having read the books (in this case Coldhands).

    Don't misconstrue this comment as a negative condemnation of his tendency to do this. I understand he's a big fan of the show and has likely spent a lot of time reading about things on sites that include information relevant to the books as well as the show. The only thing I find puzzling is that he still hasn't read the books! 😋 I understand most adults are honestly just too damn busy to sit down and read ginormous works of fiction, but there is a perfect fix for that: have somebody read it TO you while you do the other stuff you have to do! 😁 Specifically, I would recommend the Books on Tape series narrated by Roy Dotrice (the head pyromancer in King's Landing from season 2). Dotrice earned a Guinness world record nod for his work on this project by uniquely voicing well over 200 characters. It's truly a treat to listen to regardless of your level of fandom.

    That is all.

  3. "I'm glad their not killing people ", thank you Hannah!👍I just don't get criticism regarding people not dying, let their be some reprieve for once before everyone is slaughtered in the zombie apocalypse.

  4. Hogwarts this is not aimed at you personally as it's only Fantasy TV. In the words of Arya '' your beloved Tyrion'' they would have all died if Dany had done what Tyrion wanted, ''do nothing''. I still think he has an hidden agenda.
    R.I.P Uncle Benjen Stark ………………………………the Bear had more screen time than you, you deserved a better ending.
    I think Jon wiil give the sword back to Lyanna Mormont, he's that type of guy

  5. So, when Jon was thrown into the icy water by the wights, how did he survive? I say, he didn't. He drowned, but the Lord of Light is not through with him, Beric Donderrion said as much. So he was brought back, and was able to pull himself from the water.

  6. I agree with Jeremy, Jon was a fucking idiot!!

    I was spoiled Viserion's death and resurrection when someone on my FB posted the picture when he has blue eyes, just after the episode was leaked! Grrrr!!!!
    Saddest death for me after Ned 🙁

  7. Funny… I reacted exactly the same way Jeremy did, when I saw this episode the first time. Now I believe that Jon thought: "cool, daenerys is here, the dragons are here, let us kill the nightking immediately". He underrated his power. Greetings from Germany.

  8. Of all the dumb plot and writing of this season, the dumbest of them all is Jon Snow not dying under the ice and Uncle Benjin killing himself.

    Seriously way too much ex-machina and illogical moments this season.


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