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The return of “Game of Thrones” is upon us! Watch as we break down the most perfect mix of history, D&D, and porn ever made!! PLUS, for the first time ever, we are offering this Honest Trailer in two versions: SPOILER and NON-SPOILER!! All men must choose!

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Honest Trailers: Game of Thrones
Directed by Andy Signore
Series Created by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Episode Written by Spencer Gilbert, Gilli Nissim, Dan Murrell, and Andy Signore
Edited by Dan Murrell and Casey Donahue

Voiceover Narration by Jon:

As always let us know in the comments what movie or television show you wanna see next!

Check out more of our Emmy Nominated Honest Trailers:

Deadpool (Feat. Deadpool)

Game of Thrones Vol. 1


Harry Potter

Breaking Bad

The Lord Of The Rings

Star Wars Force Awakens

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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