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Voiceover Narration by Jon:

Tom Cruise is returning to theaters soon in “Edge of Tomorrow,” so we took the highway to the Honest Trailer Vault and dusted off our vintage trailer for 1986’s “Top Gun,” Tom Cruise’s classic movie about super-manly dudes, Kenny Loggins, and beach volleyball. Oh, and flying planes.

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Series Created by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Gilli Nissim, Dan Murrell, and Andy Signore
Edited by Dan Murrell

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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  1. When this movie came to VHS it seemed like everybody's dad had also just gotten surround sound hooked up at home. Can't tell you how many time I would goto a friend or girlfriend's house and this movie was playing way too loud in surround sound.

  2. i thought let me watch an old movie, top gun was there. i could not remember anything so i played the movie. after 10 mins i was like: this shit is kinda gay. let me check what honest trailer got on this. and i was not disappointed!! great stuff


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