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Syrio = Jaqen H’ghar = Faceless Man? –

Season 7 Predictions-
Part 1 :
Part2 :

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Music: Song: Game of Thrones
Artist: Rameses B
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  1. I came to this video with one theory and now think something else…
    My first theory is if the horn of winter had a duplicate and the horn Euron has is the actual one. He presents it to Cersei to take control of the dragons.from this cersei and euron bring down the wall allowing the nights king and his army through.

    Second thing I though after this as a possibility. If Sam has the winters horn in his possession. Baby Sam could potentially get his hand on it, whist playing around with the horn he blows down and awakens the giants/brings down the wall or its magic??? I feel baby Sam must have some significants to the story? Maybe? What do you think?

  2. I agree. The horn Jon found has been mentioned too many times to be random. GRRM goes out of his way to inform us that Sam had sold almost everything but not the horn. The fact that Sam brings it to Oldtown, the one place capable of discovering it's true identity and how to use it, makes it almost certainly the horn of winter.

  3. As fake as Peter Dinklage's fake British accent – Hahaha… and he got an Emmy for it.
    That is the fakest British accent I've ever heard in a professional setting. Couldn't they have gotten him a good dialect coach?

  4. My best guess is that it's not actually a horn, at, at least, it's not the process of blowing the horn that brings the wall down.
    That the truth of the legend of the Horn of Winter is lost to time. Maybe it actually holds a way of killing white walkers for good, hence the wall no longer having a purpose.
    I'm just spit balling here by the way.

  5. makes sense the real horn was at the fists. the nights watch was met and defeated at the fists by a walker army. The white walkers weren't there taking in the sights or looking for a cute vacay spot. they were searching for something.

  6. What if the horn that Jon found at the Fist didn't make a sound because it was actually a mouthpiece? think about it? the horn described at the horn was too small to be the "legendary" horn but if it was only a piece of the horn and not the horn complete then maybe? and wouldn't it make sense if this horn was so powerful to maybe separate it in parts and it got cracked in the separation? also being an old (not too old) band member most horns have mouthpieces.

  7. Maybe the horn isn't a musical instrument? Maybe it's a drinking horn? Like a metaphor for saying somebody is gonna get wasted and due to their incompetence, the wall will fall down. Like the Night's Watch is now just a bunch of drunk rapists and the wall will fall into ill repair.

  8. What about the horn the guy that is with Euron has? I always wondered about that. Also, what about the fact that when Jon found the pile, it was in freshly dug earth. Are there theories as to who put it there? And while Ghost guided Jon, I think someone guided Ghost… did Bran warg in Ghost ? Still wouldnt explain freshly dug earth…

    On another topic, Id like to see theories about Tyrions first wife, for example is she in Bravos…

  9. Doesn't Euron Greyjoy have one of his followers blow a horn which ends up bloodying him, cutting up his lungs or something? I seem to recall reading something to that effect at some point in the novels…

  10. Maybe Mance lied about the horn because he wanted the Wildlings to stop looking for it. After all, there's not much point escaping south if you destroy your best shield against the monsters you're running away from!

  11. I agree that the horn Sam has is the horn of winter.

    The dragonglass/horn stash had been left at the fist of the first men by a ranger. It had also been very recent as the cloak it was wrapped in was still in good condition.

    I think it was left by Coldhands and that he was watching them on the fist. (Jon had said that it was easier for 1 man to find 200 than for 200 to find 1)

    Now, how do we get the horn from Old Town to the wall? Euron Greyjoy. If he raids the Citadel, he'll find Sam and the horn.

  12. Out of Curiosity what are the theories about brans assassin, in S:1E:2 with a valyrian steel dagger, being sent from a society that would know what destruction he causes he says "you're not supposed to be here, no one is supposed to be here" but Caitlyn is almost insane about remaining at brans side of course just seeming the caring mother also could it be bran seeing his attack and knowing she'd protect him successfully

  13. It makes perfect sense that the true horn would be non descript, small and broken. It gives Sam a crucial role to play in the saga by figuring it out, and fixing it.

    Makes me wonder… if this is the Horn of Winter, and the idea of Ice Dragons is true (or some other purpose for it is revealed), then perhaps what will happen is something completely unexpected. Something totally out of left field. If it has the power to bring down the wall, why on earth would anyone blow it? It must have another purpose, and perhaps that purpose is to wake the ice dragons. Or some other 'wakening'. OR… someone may bring down the wall on purpose, and not necessarily for an evil purpose.

    Or the wall will come down if Bran crosses it….

    GRRM has always said "Bad guys are the Heroes of the other side", so I would expect the White Walkers to play more than the 'big bad' role they have already been playing thus far. Perhaps they object to greenseer's meddling with the past, and will do whatever it takes to stop them, which includes destroying the children of the forest. Perhaps their motivation is something entirely different than simply to destroy things and make war.

    The obvious thing to happen is Daenarys conquers the south, then forms an alliance with The North to destroy the White Walkers. Add in some intrigue and drama, some deaths you didn't expect, and thats about it.

    Which makes me believe this is not at all what is going to happen. That horn.. its existence throws doubt onto every normal idea we may have about the plot going forward.

    Perhaps Daenarys does go mad, or at least, wishes to conquer all the lands of Westeros and will not stop. And perhaps in desperation, Jon, or someone, blows the horn, brings down the wall, and allows the White Walkers through on purpose, because of some critical reveal about the White Walker's true purpose, and the Night King's true motivation.

    Perhaps the Night King has remembered he was a man, and wishes to prevent catastrophe, but doesn't have any empathy or conscience, only a concern for the greater outcome. Perhaps he recognized the COF's meddling in timelines and is getting his forces ready to stop some true ending that he forsees. Perhaps there is a bigger, apocalyptic destruction that awaits the world of men if he doesn't do what he is doing.

    Interesting to think about 🙂

  14. I like your theory, but I think of the wall builder and the fact that "there must always be a Stark" in Winterfell. The Stark tombs are in Winterfell under the watch of the family. What if they are guarding the location of "The Horn of Winter"? What if only a Stark blowing the horn will bring down the wall? If not the Stark blowing, what if Starks guard the horn to keep someone else from going in the Tomb, finding it, and blowing it? "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell!"… What do you think. Never mind, I listened, I know what you think. (grinning while typing) but seriously what do you think of my theory?


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