Aziz & Ashaya break down the major characters from House Dayne. Theories, background and predictions!

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  1. Also also, Darkstar could be from High Hermitage but have been knighted in/by and thus serve Starfall. So it might not be a typo at all, or it could be. idk. But there's a chance it isn't. Also also, when you say "Who's going to stop him(Darkstar)?" Why wouldn't Arthur and Ashara's older brother, Edric's father, stop him? We don't know for sure that he's dead, do we? Sure, Edric's the lord, but his father could have abdicated for some mysterious Dayne reason.

  2. Also, there's another theory out there that Young Grif is really the love-child of Elia Martel and Ser Arthur Dayne. If Arthur Dayne came to King's Landing with Elia, well….. it looks just a little less far-fetched. Just a little. Not to mention that, perhaps something did come of the betrothal trip to Starfall after-all, if not an actual betrothal. Also, a correction about Dawn – it's most likely a longsword. Now, I know the sources say "great sword" but not even Ice is really a "great sword" just a longsword on the longer side of the spectrum. Only people who are really into that shit kinda get the difference, and as into it GRRM is, he doesn't even seem to get it. That said, swords in general CAN'T be heavy things. A greatsword is only going to be around 6 pounds at most.

  3. I'm not usually given to tin foil, but one thing of which I am confidant is that Ashara Dayne is alive and is with Howland Reed in the neck. Knowing GRRM's writing style, and his love of subverting fairy tale and fantasy tropes, I've come around to the idea (though so many consider it laughable, for some reason.) How else could Reed had saved Ned from Ser Arthur, if now by talking him down somehow? How could he do that? Perhaps by mentioning that either Ned, Brandon Stark, or himself are the father of Ashara Dayne's baby and that he intends to father the child, regardless of parentage (Meera Reed).
    For instance, Barristan Selmy says this:

    "This one is his father's son. Short and stocky, plain-faced, he seemed a decent lad, sober, sensible, dutiful…………She wants fire, and Dorne sent her mud. You could make a poultice out of mud to cool a fever. You could plant seeds in mud and grow a crop to feed your children. Mud would nourish you, where fire would only consume you, but fools and children and young girls would choose fire every time." We know Barristan felt a deep attraction to Ashara Dayne and it's not insane to believe he's projecting a bit of himself on to Quentyn and Dany in the above quote, given what he says earlier regarding his affection for Ashara. We know Selmy is, dispite his other awesome traits, frequently wrong about some of the things he asserts – a lot of it being palace hearsay. We also know that GRRM loves him some irony. How ironic would it turn out to be for Ashara to have near-literally chosen "mud" in the case of Howland Reed – A "mudman"?

    We know GRRM has an ill-kept secret love of Fairey Tales, and in his writing also loves to subvert or homage (in his own twisted way) those tales. It would be such of the classic "Princess and the Frog" for the lovely princess to choose the 'frog' in the end. This is just the thematic evidence, as I don't feel like delving into my archive for other textual or other types of evidence to support the argument on a video from 2015 with a comment that few if anyone will see.

  4. What if "had it not been for Howland Reed" means Reed helped awaken and/or bring to attention Ned's ability to warg, allowing him to potentially warg some animal (or….human?) to compensate for Ned's "average swordsman ability" against the greatest swordsman alive at the time.?.

    Bran may not be the only one able to warg humans successfully and who better than his father to both possess the same ability and feel remorseful for using it. Also parallels the present Reed tutelage of Stark in Jojen and Meera guiding Bran in his journey.

    Unoriginal? Crackpot? Enlighten me! You guys rock thanks for all you do!


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