Rhaenys’ death scene in Episode 4 of House of the Dragon Season 2 was pivotal in the series. Although the scene was not explicitly shown, her fate was heavily implied after she and her dragon, Meleys, crashed to the ground. The aftermath of her death was felt throughout the episode, with characters like Daemon and Rhaenyra grappling with the consequences of her passing. Rhaenys’ death served as a reminder of the high stakes in the world of Westeros and the devastating impact of the Targaryen civil war.

The unseen farewell

Leaving Rhaenys’ fate ambiguous could create mystery and intrigue, encouraging viewers to speculate and stay engaged. It seems that the showrunner, Ryan Condal, has made a curious decision regarding season 2 of House of the Dragon. While they chose to cut the scene depicting Rhaenys’ death, they opted to keep the scene between Rhaenyra and Alicent. According to a report by Westerosies, the shot actually exists, as shown here

Rhaenys’ warning for a war between kin and dragons

Rhaenys foreshadows the devastating consequences of the impending war between the Targaryen kin and their dragons. Her words serve as a warning, highlighting the gods’ disfavor towards such a conflict and suggesting that the gods themselves will be displeased with the bloodshed between family members, leading to severe repercussions.

Rhaenys’ prophetic warning showcases her wisdom and understanding of the ancient lore, serving as an ominous prelude to the brutal and devastating war that is to come. Rhaenys (Eve Best) wasn’t lying when she said: “There’s no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin and no war so bloody as a war between dragons.”

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