Till now Rhaenys and Corlys’s relationship is the only healthy one in House of the Dragon and are admired for their mutual respect, trust, and communication. However, their final conversation reveals a long-held secret about Corlys’s illegitimate sons, Alyn and Addam. This bombshell adds a layer of complexity to their marriage, raising questions about the nature of their relationship and the extent of their honesty with each other.
Rhaenys’ Agony Over Corlys’ Secret Son
For Rhaenys, the revelation of Corlys’ illegitimate son, Alyn, is a devastating blow, a secret that has been festering between them like an open wound. According to Eve Best, the actress who brings Rhaenys to life, the character’s heart is breaking as she grapples with the reality of Corlys’ infidelity and denial. The once-steady foundation of their partnership is now unstable, and Rhaenys is forced to confront the harsh truth that has been buried beneath the surface. Eve Best in an interview with Variety explains,
“It’s absolute agony, and it’s been this secret between them. We talked, Steven and I, and we really felt that they had never, it had never been spoken about. And yet, absolutely, it’s the biggest sword in her heart, obviously. Up until now, he’d been really her rock, the ground beneath our feet.
And feeling that suddenly was unstable, feeling this relationship through the presence of Alyn and Addam suddenly rearing its head again, having been so deeply buried by her, never spoken of by him. He’s in complete denial about it, and it’s absolute agony for her. I really felt like her heart was breaking.”
Credit: Ollie Upton/HBO
Rhaenys suppressing her emotions
Despite her own heartbreak, Rhaenys prioritizes others’ needs, urging Corlys to acknowledge his illegitimate son as his heir. This selflessness is a hallmark of Rhaenys’ character, as she consistently puts aside her personal pain to do what is right, all while hiding her true feelings from everyone except Meleys. Her inner turmoil remains concealed, but her actions reveal a deep-seated commitment to doing what is right, even in the face of overwhelming personal sorrow.
“In Season 1, absolutely a team throughout. Loss after loss, the grief over their children, going through these devastating, devastating events, and yet they were always facing them together. This time, a chasm opened between them. And yet again with that, she’s hiding it. I wanted to yell at her. “Just talk to him! Have the conversation! Please tell him how you feel!”
Because yet again, in spite of the fact that it’s absolutely breaking her apart, to be reminded and to see this — as she imagines — presence of another woman via the illegitimate children, she’s yet again putting that aside and saying to Corlys, “You have to acknowledge and you have to accept that he could be your heir — and you need to do right by him.”
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