Finally, three years after the series finale of Game of Thrones aired on HBO, its much-anticipated successor, House of the Dragon, has premiered its first episode. While many viewers have reservations about this series because of GoT‘s lackluster ending, the new season’s first episode looked very promising.


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With that being said, here’s the House of the Dragon Weeks Ahead Trailer that HBO just shared on YouTube.

Read Next: Seven details you might have missed in the House Of The Dragon series premiere

What happens in Episode 1?

The first episode of House of the Dragon is all about world-building. We learn about Viserys, who is waiting for a son, and Daemon, who is trying to be named heir to the Iron Throne. These events set up the central conflict of the show. Although the first episode has a lot of content (let’s not get into the spoilers), there is still a lot that will be set up in future episodes. With only ten episodes in the first season, viewers can expect to see more content unfold.

Keeping the Weeks Ahead Trailer in notion, it’s salt in the wound to keep referring to Daenerys. Given how they killed her off and butchered her character. Makes you wonder all over again — if she was so destined, why did she die? What do you think? Tell us in the comments below!

Read Next: Top five moments from the House Of The Dragon series premiere



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