Meera Reed discusses the history and modern perceptions of House Reed, leaders of the crannogmen, the mysterious swamp-dwelling gatekeepers of the North.



  1. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the crannogmen of the Neck are gifted and talented hunters and warriors.

    They have an ages-old feud with House Frey, who rule the lands immediately to the south.

    The Reeds came to the attention of their liege lords, House Stark, when Howland Reed met Eddard Stark at a tournament at Harrenhal.

    Howland Reed and Eddard Stark became fast friends and allies.

    Aside from Eddard, Howland was the only survivor of the raid at the Tower of Joy, on the occasion of Lyanna Stark's death.

    The Reed stronghold at Greywater Watch is hard to find because it supposedly moves around on a floating island.

  2. But isn't the road passing though Moat Cailin dry enough? That's the reason they keep fighting for that spot, I believe.

    Also, I wonder how the crannogmen can sustain themselves solely through fishing and hunting animals in the swamp. You think they also have fish pens and floating gardens?

  3. "The sea itself once entered the neck. And not all of it returned"

    Wow. Sign me up for House Reed. Ever-floating lands, masters of the swamp and not having to deal with the shitstorm that is the Game of Thrones? Count me in!


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