Home News ‘House’ Season 2 Filming Rumors Float Around

‘House’ Season 2 Filming Rumors Float Around


Image via HBO

It goes without saying that if House of the Dragon was even half as successful as it is now, HBO would’ve probably greenlit a second and even a third season. But with the prequel series breaking records left and right, the Westerosi crew is pushing ahead with preparations for the next chapter in the story, and a Spanish outlet has recently reported an approximate filming window for Ryan Condal and his team.

Elsewhere, Elizabeth Olsen has addressed those spiraling rumors about her addition to the ensemble, though the internet is not sure whether she’s being genuine or just pulling an Andrew Garfield. She is his MCU co-star, after all.

Here’s your daily roundup of Game of Thrones news.

Is Harrenhal really a cursed castle?

King Jaehaerys sits on his throne flanked on either side by members of the royal court and family.
The council of Harrenhal / Photo via HBO

The people of Westeros know Harrenhal as a cursed castle by the time Robert Baratheon rules over the Seven Kingdoms. But has the castle earned its reputation as a disastrous dwelling place, or are folks just too keen to give in to superstition and dress up trivial incidents in horrifying hues? Whatever the truth lying at the ancient fortification, one thing’s for certain; Harrenhal has seen its fair share of violence over the three hundred years it has stood, and at some point, even the most skeptical of us would have to admit the tragedies are too frequent to be a mere coincidence.

Elizabeth Olsen shuts down those ‘House’ rumors… or does she?

Scarlet Witch Elizabeth Olsen in Wandavision
Image via Marvel

Fans were still savoring the rumors that Elizabeth Olsen would be appearing in House of the Dragon somewhere down the line, but the MCU alum nipped those dreams in the bud by confirming she hasn’t heard anything of the sort. Well, technically, she said that she’d love to appear in the world if there’s a good story to tell, but the actual rebuttal came off as too tentative and playful. Let’s just say the internet isn’t taking Olsen at her word, not after remembering that MCU actors basically lie about this stuff for a living.

‘House’ will reportedly start shooting season 2 in the Spring of 2023

Image via HBO

Ryan Condal and his production crew are doubtlessly hard at work on the second season of House. According to a new report by local Spanish outlet Hoy, the team is looking toward the upcoming spring to start shooting. The beautiful city of Cáceres will once again serve as a filming location for King’s Landing, taking up the production block from March to June. We’re obviously taking this with a pinch of salt until official confirmation by HBO or someone close to authority on the series, but that definitely sounds like a viable window for things to spring into motion. (No pun intended.)

That’s all we have for you today, but come back tomorrow for another roundup of all things Game of Thrones.


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