Randyll Tarly reflects on the history of House Tarly, and his own story with his eldest son Samwell.



  1. So many Dany supporters in the comments. She is a foreign invader and a Targeryan bunch of crazies that bunch is. Tarly should have sided with Stannis at black water the whitewalker threat would have been dealt with by season 3 or 4 instead of letting their armies grow

  2. Same problem as Tywin. Too focused on the house, not enough on his children. If he had, maybe Dickon wouldn't have decided to join him in defying Daenerys, and burning alive. Samwell and Tyrion are both immensely important characters that were cast aside for not being exactly what their father thought they should be. Both outlived and outshined their fathers.

  3. "It will not fall on my watch." That's he you allowed himself AND your son by Daenerys, claiming she's a foreigner? She's a born Westerosi, who was forced to leave her home, so she could live. Randyll Tarly is a lying cunt.

  4. If you were Randyll would you let Sam rule (and destroy) your house after you die? He's an asshole but in game of thrones you need to be an asshole so you and your family can survive


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