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Do you think on will betray Dany?
★ Playlist with all my theories ★

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  1. Metro or whatever the fuck your name is, you continue to make anti Dany videos and continue to be wrong all the time. Your one of the dumbest cunts I've come across on YouTube. No emotion intelligence what so ever. Have you even read the books or do you just skip the Dany chapters?. Do me a favour just don't bother make anymore Dany videos, because you clearly don't know shit about her Character.

  2. I fucking hate Sansa she's a entitled bitch who likes to take credit for the battle of the bastards. John can find a better queen than both entitled Sansa or the illogical and intemperate Danny.

  3. My opinion is that Dany was meant to come to Westeros for the sake of her dragons. Dany was made to be a red herring for AA but it is actually Jon who will be revealed to be AA/TPTWP etc. IMO, Dany fits the three headed dragon prophecy along with Tyrion and Jon. And that would make better sense. All three are outcasted with Dany being the last survivor of her House, Jon being a bastard, and Tyrion an imp. if you look at the story of GOT , Dany is too obvious and too predictable to be the savior. Through out 6 seasons and 5 books, Dany has not had anything terrible from her journey to Westeros. Yes , she's had some bad luck in certain areas but when it comes down to the Throne there has been nothing that proved to be too difficult for her. Anytime a character gets too powerful it ends up badly (Ned finding out about the incest, beheaded, Robb winning all his battled and BOOM red wedding). Dany will not rule Westeros and yes Jon maybe predictable but GRRM has put many clues throughout his books for you to draw the right conclusions. He didn't think that the world would figure out Jons true parentage before season 6 unveiled it. Why kill a character to bring them back? Why make such a secret to who his parents really were. Jon is the song of ice and fire!

  4. I'd honestly rather Dany die fighting white walkers than becoming some mad queen. I'd feel like that's a character betrayal. Of all the people we've seen on the show, she seems to be one of the most compassionate. The only time you see her really fierce and unforgiving is in regards to slavers. And that whole power thing, it's coming more from she probably feels like the great Targaryen dynasty now lies in her hands with everyone else dead. And do you blame her for wanting what was originally her family's for centuries and what the other families did to her family. Yea her father was crazy but her siblings were not. The Lannisters and Boratheons were the key families to annihilate hers and yet you don't ever hear her say she wants to kill them for revenge. Her wanting the 7 kingdoms may also come from observing how the rulers after her father have been and it hasn't been great. I don't buy this power hungry thing, it's just too petty for her. She may just want what was rightfully her family's for a while and be a just ruler and a better example as redemption for what her father did.

  5. I previously mentioned that Daenarys would never sit on the Iron Throne, that she would sacrifice herself to the Night King and become his Queen to end the Great War. This is not my theory but upon hearing it, I did a bit of research, it makes a great deal of sense. As far back as book 1 we have several instances where Daenarys was willing to sacrifice herself for love, like her brother had, and die so Drogo may live or is willing to incur wrath, scorn or even death in order to procure a better life for the people she means to rule. She is capable of great love and sacrifice and bares a great deal of concern, compassion and responsibility for the welfare of others. She will not rule over the living but she will be their Queen, their Azor Ahai.

  6. I believe that over the next season we'll really see Danny's mental state deteriorate. Jorah will perhaps find at least a partial cure for his stone disease and return to her side in time that she can claim the iron throne alongside Jon. Sam will discover the secrets of Valyrian steel in the Citadel using his father's sword and head to the newly captured Kings Landing. There, they will be able to forge enough swords to defeat the white walkers.

    Later, though, when Danny goes entirely insane, Jorah will have no choice but to kill her, like Jaime with the Mad King. Not only does that feel a bit more like GoT, it could also fulfil the prophecy as she may have a moment of pause due to her love for him. As an added bonus, his stone flesh might be of better protection against fire during the attack.

    Jon (confirmed Targaryen) will then be able to take over now that both Danny and Cercei are out of the picture, but he will not want the throne, preferring to rule the North. This would likely leave Tryrion, (also confirmed as a Targaryen) to sit on the Iron throne. This whole arc would result in a Targaryen-ruled kingdom, just like before. This would demonstrate that really little progress has been made through all the fighting, as the various houses just shuffle around in the Game of Thrones.

  7. SPOILERS!! There's also the secret Targaryen theory, not just about Jon's true parentage being revealed toward the end of season six (He's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark), but also the theory that Tyrion Lannister is actually a Targaryen. First off, Viserion and Rhaegal could have killed Tyrion, but didn't. Some characters in the books, Barristan Selmy for example, confirm that Aerys II "took liberties" with Joanna Lannister during the bedding ceremony. Since there are three Targaryens and three dragons, this just makes a lot of sense to me.

  8. Dany has become a little sadistic, as she kind of mirrors her father a little bit when she burns people alive at the hands of her Dragons but I don't think she'll ever reach the point of insanity especially with Tyrion at her side. If anything, Cersei has become the mad queen. She blew up the sept of Baelor which she did entirely out of revenge not even considering the consequences that came and are yet to come. She lost all her allies as a result so there's obviously no going back to sanity for her. Dany on the other hand still has a chance of keeping her sanity. But I don't think she'll ever sit on the iron throne, even if she does.

  9. Jonfags keep whining because Daenerys has more power than their precious Jon XD
    And if you people think there's time for anyone else to go mad, then please keep in mind, that there are only 13 episodes left. If anyone will go mad, it's Jon. He was resurrected and should have been brought back much darker character.
    Daenerys is Aegon the Conqueror and Jon is the Mad King reborn.

  10. very long rant but if you manage to read full post id love to know your thoughts or opions on my random topics totally off topic but aside from Dawn being the only sword that's history seems to date back to the long night and valeryian steal not being discovered tell later ever since the glass candles are lite again. I've had this inescapable feeling that all Valeryian Steal Swords have the ability to awaken the fire in the blade causing it to endlessly burn with out going out or destroying or changing the integrity and properties of the sword itself until the person who wields the sword extinguish the blade by choice or sheathing it essentially allowing any valeryian blade to act as light bringer from the ancient prophecies and the hero having a name that stems from that region either meaning there was more then one hero with burning blade or it got translated to have the hero hail from that area which that's extremely massive span of land to cover in darkness and I image snow covering alot of places much like the storm Stanis gets stuck in I don't think these swords while flamed would be like unto that of Stanis sword though since his is a glamour that causes his effect and should someone take the Ruby from the hilt it would loose it's effect in my belief of how his sword works but clearly Dawn has to have that higher standard or grade of blade then any other which kinda makes it loose it's significance if it was somewhat replicated but different spells and for lack of better term abilities were forge into valeryian steal depending on the Smiths abilities and his magical ability or power with sorcery and time willing to put into the blade it's seems to me that other then color and history no blade truly seems to stand out in its let's say magical properties or abilities standing out or being sought out for other then they all seem to have a kind of muscle memory and will of there own I feel like there has to be more to them and Dawn and likely we haven't scene or heard of there true capabilities since the sword like Harry Potter wand would sense the welders power and Jon in the show at least have ice and fire genetics and how Danny in visions seems to see her ancestors steaming back to the first couple Great empire relatives back to Yi Ti I feel the blade should feel the history and power of his blood and manifest abilities the Mormont wouldn't have been able to draw fourth from there own sword not having the blood line and magical ancestors that Jon would have the warg king, the marsh king essentially giving them children of the Forrest blood however diluted also possibly white connection and then all those through the Targaryen blood going all the way back the the great empire of Yi Ti sorry this is a bunch of rambling and no punctuation two more quick thoughts 1 wtf did the founder of house Dayne decide the site of the Fallen star was ideal place to build for a foot hold yes it's a great location but as for future expansion growth and prosperity for your house it's terrible it limits the amount of food and other resources your family can produce for daily survival export and growth you could never hope to grow past x with out importing many goods and resources and building strong keeps and castles outward which the terrain makes for horrible lines for help the river is next to worthless for transporting goods inland and mountains cut down on farm land and likely timber you cannot quickly help other strongholds with out making a weakness point is that crash site must have some crazy properties or resources they had to quickly hid and protect before it was public knowledge and became a race to aquire this mysterious matter last and final part of rant two parts the fact that Euron Greyjoy seems to have a acquired a full suit of valeryian steal armor one that it fits him and why no one else would have a suit in there family especially no Targaryen even though smaller less powerful when valeryia was a vast freehold covering most of essos they were still top 20 out of 40 ruling families and I can't image that a truly was expensive to make for the family who's smith forged it probably mostly cost the sorcerers time and there may have had to be a blood sacrifice possibly but all other materials I'm sure weren't rare only to someone outside of ruling valeryian families and sorcerers was it costly since they could ask any price they deemed acceptable really and most westeros swords weren't even bought but gifted so why not a armour suit for main family leaders at least last part having to do with topic considering ice was not the original family sword of house stark but simply named for its original which seems to sound like it was likely a gift or item given to starks after the defeat over the whites originally which seems to be more of pact or treaty rather then decisive war victory forcing remains white forces to flee no it seems like a peace was likely forged which ended it and as part of the peace they gifted the Starks with an advanced ice Sword of theirs as gift honor and respect to them which they really did loose or have stored in the crypts after stories maybe begin to circulate that didn't look good for them rather then deny fight or tell the north truth they simply placed the thing of much whispers out of site out of mind there for I believe that it's highly likely they would have also been gifted one of there super bad ass and far superior advanced technology suits of armor that blend the wearer in with he or she's surroundings anyway that's everything I thought I'd as your thoughts on

  11. I'm putting my money on the others invading at the same time as Daenerys. The north will lose and John will die to the others but will give Daenerys enough time to conquer southern parts of westeros and then enough forces to combat the others.

  12. I never understood what is so terrible about our breasts that they have to be censored by big black bars. Why can the sight of a woman's breast more unsuitable for a general audience than, say, a man with a cut off hand or a woman burning many men alive. I just can't imagine any situation where the uncensored image could cause any harm to a person, regardless of her age.
    This video is certainly not pornography, so what is the message behind the censor bar? Women are the source of all evil? Our bodies are harmful to children? Would children even watch this analysis?
    Just wondering…

  13. All the Dany fans need to get their heads out of their asses Dany is going down Jon will marry Sansa NOT Dany she's a conqueror NOT a ruler! And Tyrion is already in love with Dany look at the clip when he says that Darrio wasn't the first to lover her and he wouldn't be the last he's referring to himself look at his face.

  14. having Daenerys suddenly go mad after Cersei is: 1. redundant 2. terrible writing 3. quite frankly misogynistic to portray the only two queens as crazy.
    this theory is fruitless because there is nothing Daenerys have done than can be considered more crazy than the actions of let say, Tyrion, Sansa, Jon and especially Arya. Also the show writers and George have debunk this. As for her being Nissa Nissa, if we consider Jon as AA, there is not enough time to establish a love story between the two for Daenerys to be his sacrifice. Nice crazy theory tho.

  15. Does anyone know why Targaryens are known for pale skin, violet eyes and silver hair when they hail from a climate that's sunny. Isn't Valyria sunny with a desert climate? Also, is it possible that Ashara Dayne could have Valyrian blood. I know GRRM said she's not related to Targaryens but could she still be Valyrian, and just of a different blood line. She has hunting purple eyes that Barristan Selmy said makes it seem as if he's looking at her daughter when he looks at Dany. If she is Valyrian and still alive, could she have a knack for dragons?

  16. I think you're looking at this a bit too literally. Lightbringer already exists. It's not a sword, but rather, a metaphorical weapon of sorts. George R.R Martin takes a lot of pride in ASOIAF's realism, and it's pretty obvious that any single person defeating a massive army of zombies with nothing but a flaming sword in the ASOIAF universe is as ludicrous as it would be in our world. The word '' Lucifer '' in latin literally translates to Lightbringer. I doubt that's a coincidence. Whatever Lightbringer is, wether it's the dragons, or the wall, or the horns or a person, it's not a sword. The prophecy of Azor Ahai also never says anything about Azor Ahai having to kill Nissa Nissa again. It just says it happened, but it never says anything about it having to happen again, and it's not even the same story.The prophecy only says that Azor Ahai will be reborn after a long summer amidst salt and smoke, under a bleeding star, to wake dragons from stone and put an end to the Long Night. It never even adresses Lightbringer. Lightbringer is mentioned in another legend along with Azor Ahai and Nissa Nissa's sacrifice. Jon can't be Azor Ahai. He doesn't fit the requirements. He wasn't reborn under a bleeding star amidst salt and smoke. He didn't wake dragons from stone. He only fits one requirement, and it's being a direct descendent of Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen. Daenerys is clearly Azor Ahai unless the prophecy is fake or misleading. Jon is definitely a big piece of the puzzle, but he can't be Azor Ahai. Though it's interesting actually because the words '' Azor Ahai '' have never been mentioned in the show. Not even once. But the show has mentioned the Prince that was Promised and the bleeding star, the salt and the smoke and so on, numerous times. It's all very confusing…


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