Finally figured out the key to hatching the dragon eggs. Hint: it relates to the comet, blood sacrifice, magical songs, and the oldest and most powerful magic of them all…

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  1. Gosh I wish they'd really explained some of the symbolism from the books, in the show. The lore, continuity, & symbolism would have really helped the viewers only crowd.

    What an incredible writer GRRM is! ♡♡♡

  2. In Season 7, when Jon and Dany are the the dragonglass cave looking at the petroglyphs from the Children of the Forest, one of the drawings is of the pyre she built to hatch the dragons. Azor Ahai indeed.

  3. There may be a flaw in your theory about the spell transferring to Dany. The bath scene. It happens in the books as well. And the water is apparently extremely hot. Pretty much just previously boiled. Also, dasnaks pit. She gets close enough to Drogons flames to have her hair completely singed off. If she was that close wouldn't she have gotten some severe burns?

  4. Why did you censor Danys breasts and Vagina??? What is so bad about a naked woman??? Or is this an american channel???////Beside that it is very interesting and you did so well with the research. RRMartin can be very glad to have fans like you.

  5. I like to think it as followed:
    3 dragon eggs.
    4 lives in the flames: Drogo, Dany, their unborn son and the evil witch.
    Dany walks out unharmed, so 3 lives were offered to breath life in the 3 eggs.
    Drogo – Drogon. Not only is Drogon named after Drogo, he also has a similar personality.
    Evil witch – Viserion. Viserion is named after Viserys, and the witch's life gave him life. That's two bad people, so Viserion ending up as the Night King's pet was foreshadowed.
    Unborn son – Rhaegal is the runt of the litter, the youngest. Named after her oldest brother, father of Jon/Aegon. Making Rhaegal the one dragon that, in terms of my explanation, is Targaryen through and through. And could/would explain why the first s8 posters show Rhaegal vs Viserion. Chances are he'll be the last dragon standing and with Jon as his rider.

    In fact, Azor Ahai might even turn out to be Rhaegal or Drogon. They might kill Dany and then be the one to eventually stop the Night King/turn the tide of the war.

    That's how I see it anyway.

  6. I don't think it is this simple.. I strongly believe that Sumerhall deaths were not accidental, but were connected self-sacrifices to make this dragon birth, years years later, possible. Aegon V was strong believer in Prince that was Promised, in correspondence with maester Aemon and even one who send Bloodraven to the Wall. I think that Sumerhall and this event are very much connected.

  7. Any thoughts on dragon eggs elsewhere in the world? Is there a chance of Dany finding some? Like under Dragonstone where all the dragonglass was hidden, or under the Red Keep? What is Dany going to do now that's she's lost Viserion, there's no way she's just stuck with only two dragons now, she's woken the magic in the world, especially now being in Westeros

  8. I imagine Danaerys following Drogon into a cave to find it brooding eggs. Oh shit, Drogon is a girl! Well, honestly, it's possible. She knew nothing about dragons other than what Viserys told her, which didn't amount to much. They don't appear to have outward genitalia. She might've assumed all three were male

  9. What do you mean "Raegal's life was accidentally exchanged for one of the dead dragons, which is why Dany gave birth to a dragon that had been dead for years." What dead dragons? And where is the exchange for life?

  10. So.. life, or I'll just call it "soul" for convenience in this scenario, turned out this way:

    Drogo's horse -> Drogo -> Drogon. I like to think of him as literally "The Stallion Who Mounts The World".

    Rhaego -> Viserion. In truth, Viserion was actually her child after all. Her only child, which is actually a bit sad, considering where he is now. Perhaps Rhaego will "mount the world" after all?

    Mirri Mazdur -> Rhaegal. Not much to be said since Rhaegal haven't done much by himself yet, but I wonder if the "life's" (soul) previous personality will have any effect at all, and Mirri pretty much hated Dany.
    Probably not. Can't remember LSH sharing any obvious traits with Beric, either. (aside from being reborn from the dead)

  11. It was a very good theory video 🙂 loved the part of the exchange, I hadn't notice that about Rhaego's looks; it totally makes sense now that he was born with wings, and looking longtimedead with worms within. I get it now, thank you 🙂

  12. Dany has something special when it comes to being fire proof, I think is her first chapter in AGOT where she says that hot water didn't bother her and then reject Viserys as her brother in Vaes Dothrak or whatever is called and when he dies she thinks that he's not a Dragon cause he died by fire

  13. Going off of the "power of love" thing, isn't Azor Ahai kinda a proof of that power? To ignite his sword and "save the world from darkness" and all that, he had to plunge it in the heart of his wife and kill her, which to me seems like its similar to this situation. I hope someone understands what i mean and can explain it better than I can lol but besides that great video.

  14. Dany has always been immune to fire and high temperatures as seen in literally the first scene with her and the boiling hot bath— then too she could pick up a hot dragon egg that burnt her servant's hands but left her own unburnt.

  15. this video is great but i think it is wrong when he explains that Dany was not born as "blood of the dragon". She was aware that she was fire resistant before giving birth to the dragons, at the moment they killed her brother. please correct me if im wrong.


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