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  1. erm….actually this thing is their "sun", as everythings taking place in an "inner world", just pay close attention to the intro.
    maybe its both in one….who knows…
    + i´d be very pissed off by an ending like : old dude closing a book….that would just be too much to bear

  2. To an extent I like this idea the most of all theories (Sam is top of my list of people likely to survive), but his book wouldn't be exactly the show we just saw. Rather, it would simply an overall perspective having asked a few others, like a Westerosi Herodotus. Also, it wouldn't end with him closing the book, but with him writing it.

  3. Im not good at history. But to support this theory, the book series is entitled as "the song of fire and ice". Back in the day it is common to "write a song" about someone important who made a great deal of achievement or like something big of a deal happened – the lyrics then would be an actual narration of the person or the events, somehow a form of recording history or just to commemorate the person's life story .Even in the show characters would mention like "when I die theyd sing songs about me" (bout my achievements etc). so yeah, I believe its already done and the "songs" of events in game of thrones were collected and compiled into one wc is "the song of fire and ice.. ironically, the whole story surrounds the battle of white walkers – ice , and the fire -dragons/targaryens etc

  4. I like this theory, it also means what we are seeing did not necessarily happen. It could have been exaggerated by Sam like most historical books in the real world are.

    The craziest ending would be, a random person reading the book 'A Game of Thrones', but it's a dusty old book deep inside the citadel. At this point Sam is dead, Baby Sam is probably an old man. That would, in my opinion, be the most annoyingly good ending to a show. It means the world has at that point, forgot about everything happening right now in GoT.
    That, is a bittersweet ending.

    Edit; Or it could be someone reading the book several hundred years later. Then everything happening now will well and truly be forgotten.

  5. It's gonna end with a big party in the forest with wild kings playing the deads skulls like drums and the ghosts of Ned stark the red scorpion and hodor standing there looking on…. like at the end of return of the Jedi !!!!!

  6. I wonder if George wrote the ending 20 years ago or if he changed it a few times. That would be Interesting, because the books are like 20 years old, in 20 years anything can happen.

  7. I don't think is such a strong theory (better than the Merman though – lol) – but something to endorse it: In the middle of the second episode of Season 7, The ArchMeister speaks about the book that he is writing and Samwell indicates that the title could be more poetic… ( The Game of Thrones? Or maybe… A Song of Ice and Fire?)

  8. "Hey guys, why dont we use the same 3d model for the light in the citadel, they look cool and sciency."
    "Yeah, we dont have the time to design new ones anyway."
    "I just hope we dont cause someone to make a pointless theory based on some of the most flimsy evidence ever."

  9. I think that the ending has been given away partially seasons ago: When Dany is trapped inside Qarth by that mage, and in one of her visions we can see the Iron Throne and it's surroundings destroyed, and covered in snow, that may be a vision of the future indicating that Winter has won over Westeros.

  10. The entire story is based on the zodiac, the astrological houses and their ruling planets, and annual rebirth of the sun (vernal equinox).Without going into too much detail because it would take 20 pages, Stannis is Azor Ahai. No doubt. This is why you see the sun behind the head of a prancing stag at the end of the intro with a lion and other animals bowing before it. It's symbolic. The sun (Azor Ahai) is exalted(reborn) in the house of Aries (Baratheon), and rules over Leo (Lannister)

  11. My theory is the night king is defeated in the end but the continent of westros is left barren not able to sustain life of any kind. Everyone surviving will live in Essos remembering the loss they had to bear over a stupid throne when they should have been cooperating.

  12. I like how all the evidence is in the intro I mean seriously there's nothing supporting this in the actual show… The intro might very Well be a map in the citadel, But the story???


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