Michele Clapton (Costume Designer) Just Dropped Some MASSIVE SPOILERS For Season 7!! Lets Discuss How and What Those Spoilers Are!!!!


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Voice In The Flames!?

The NIght King Is A WARG?!

Religious Counterparts?!

Gendry’s Unexpected Journey

Season 7 Deathtoll

Is Arya At Home In This Picture?

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Crypts Of Winterfell?!

Official Season 7 Images

Season 7 Theories, and Foreshadowing!

Dragons the SIZE of PLANES!?

Who Is Azor Ahai Really?!

SXSW Panel Review!

Casterly Rock Season 7!


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  1. That is not Sandor in the dragon pit. Everyone thinks it is but I'm telling u…that is Bron. the sword the movement the dress does not fit Sandor. The angle of the Camera makes the person look huge yes, but it's like Tyrion's shadow. Anyone looks huge being filmed from below like that.

  2. It isn't cold enough in the south for Jon Snow to wear the cape. So no point in his wearing the cape to Dragonstone. On another note, it doesn't appear that they have done anything to bring Dragonstone into full effect. Its a scary, hellish-looking, imposing castle and its big enough to hold Drogon and his siblings. It figures Melissandre would gravitate to Dragostone. But where is Missandei? What is Varys up to enquiring minds want to know?

  3. im confused. why is the cape news? he already wore that cape in season 6. just search "jon snow season 6" on Google and he's wearing that cape while meeting with Ramsay before the battle of the bastards. ???

  4. You're a fan of danaerys? you are a man ( must love all her tits scenes after she burns everyone) – I hate her-PERIOD.And as far as the Dragons- according to leaks they love Jon- he saw the night king at Hardhome- do you think the dragons can compare to the night king in any way?Why will Jon find danaerys intimidating? As for his cape- he meets her inside dragonston( according to leaks)- why will he wear a cape inside? he is a man- he clearly does not care too much about how he looks- ok he has an issue with his gorgeous locks- but still.And in the concept art- at dragon pit he is not wearing a cape- look at the picture- this woman is talking nonsense.

  5. "Jon Snow is going to have power in next season"

    WOW.. what a spoiler… couldn't have guessed that from the fact that most, perhaps all, significant nobles in the North just declared him to be the king…

  6. Btw Ned Stark and John don't wear Capes!! Capes are normally much shorter and rarely go past the thighs. They wear cloaks, which is normally much longer. Also capes normally only cover the back of a person, were cloaks go all the way around and are used for keeping warm.


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