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How do you think this will affect Jon Snow in the future?
★ Playlist with all my theories ★

100% Credit to u/i_miss_arrow on Reddit –

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  1. Holy. Fucking. Shit. This was far and away one of the best videos I've seen in a long time. I am at a loss for words trying to describe this feeling. My jaw dropped at some of the shit you presented that I straight up missed. Well fucking done.

  2. That's why she didn't tell him about the knights of the Vale. When she said nobody could protect her she protected herself by making the deal with Little Finger. She's a bitch for not telling Jon about the knights. If Jon knew there knights were coming he could have planned it differently and saved a lot of lives. Sansa is the least valuable Stark now that Rickon is dead.

  3. So his change is that he gets afraid and frustrated? How is that different from him in Season 1? Actually the Battle of Winterfell seems to have been a much more effective "rebirth" than his literal one with Melisandre. I don't see how you can say the whole season was about his death, considering they basically just pretended it didn't happen the whole time.

  4. I've always found it weird that he is still so sceptical of the Lord of Light after having been resurrected. At the time I thought it could be the kind of transition that would turn him into a credible Azor Ahai candidate but nothing of the sort happened.

  5. Hmm when you say he looks at Ramsey with despair I feel like you were off with that one I feel like he looked at him more in a vengeful way and road toward him blinded by his own rage because of the fact that he had just watched his brother die somebody he hadn't seen in a very long time and somebody that he has been very close to since he grew up up blinded by his rage I think that he saw the man he wanted to kill and seized the chance to do it. Then his horse took and arrow and he was flung from his horse saw the oncoming wave of Calvary and realized he wasn't gonna make it out of his current situation. He then draws his sword and prepares him self for the honorable death in battle that they will go to any legnth to uphold he is the son of Ned Stark one of the most honorable men to have lived in weateros and he would die and honorable death

  6. I'm ashamed of myself for thinking Jon's change would've been so obvious. Like becoming an ass or turning "evil." I can't believe I held the work of GRRM and the HBO crew to my own standard. It is only now that I'm truly realizing how bland and predictable of a story writer I would be.


  7. I feel like Jon is a bit more of a douchebag after his death. Like, if he hadn't died there is no way that he would have slept with Daenerys, still holding forth his past with Ygritte. As well he speaks to people a lot more degradingly, as if he's better than him. I don't know, I just miss the old Jon Snow.

  8. Very accurately presented and backed up with evidence. It's the kind of subtleties that are often overlooked or glossed over due to the spectacles of action and carnage of the battle scene. Also, a thematic presentation of something like this is usually appreciated only on a 2nd viewing. It's something that we all see, but only subconsciously and vaguely appreciated, that is, till we have a chance to breathe and take a second look at the overall arc of Jon's journey through death, resurrection, loss of hope, and his determination to live and set things right.

    Jon Snow's first revelation of his hopelessness is actually a very simple gesture that he makes: the removal of his cloak and handing it over to his 2nd in command, and then he says he's done with the night watch.

    Enjoyed the presentation, nicely analyzed.


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