A new theory I have figured out somehow, after searching almost everything and rewatching everything on the show…
Also: This theory explains that the original Littlefinger
would never turn Sansa against Arya.

The Original more Depth Theory :



  1. And why would the show writers spare him? They have 6 episodes left, they have already showed us that they can do nothing with his character without George's help. No need to come up with bullshit theories that are based on basically nothing. "Your time is up" no, I can't hear these words, but yeah if you pay attention you might end up hearing these words if you are so focused on trying to hear exactly these words. It's a little mind trick, nothing more.

  2. How badass will this look? Jon and army beat the WW. Jon is declared King of Westeros, Sansa is Queen in the North then the maiden girl comes to her chambers takes her face off and lo and behold the line goes, "Choas is a tricky ladder", as Sansa smiles looking at him and the screen goes black!!
    Haha just kidding that will never happen 😆😆

  3. I really wish this were true. He was my favorite character in the show and the books. I don't care what anyone else thinks of him. He was too smart to go out like he did. Too bad I think the writers are too lazy to follow up with this. GRRM, on the other hand, is very good at throwing interesting twists at us. My hope for Littlefinger's survival still lives in the books.


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