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  1. It's good that they sidestepped perlmutter with the movies. Now if they could do the same think with the comics…

    And what the hell, it's clear why there was no Black Widow figures back when Avengers launched. I'm sure Black Widow action figures would sell well.

  2. The whole thing really does sound made up but it isn't. The thing about Isaac Perlmutter gets weirder the more you find out about it. That and the Jim Shooter thing are documented in the book titled Marvel Comics: The Untold Story. It's a great read and also has a lot of stuff about the Lee/Kirby drama and the market bubble and burst in the '90s too.

  3. I watched this video about a week ago and thought it was very interesting. I wasn't aware nor did I keep up with this kind of drama in the Marvel universe (or should I say multiverse). After I saw Doctor Strange, it really came into perspective. Today I saw Doctor Strange with my dad. He didn't really want to see another Marvel movie because it didn't really enjoy Superman VS Batman (No offense to the fans out there!! I loved it. My dad is really about the plot, revelation, character development, emotional level type of guy). However, after watching Doctor Strange, he talked about the movie for over fifteen minutes. I thought about this video and what Emergency Awesome said about how Doctor Strange would much different than the other Marvel movies because of the removal of the "toy man". I hope Marvel and Disney continue to collaborate because this movie was awesome! It really told a story and developed the characters quite well while making the movie look amazing. I highly recommend it! It really opens your eyes (no pun intended, well a little) about your life and the decisions you make.

  4. I'd love to see a video about the drama surrounding the credit of creation of many comic characters. Specifically Stan Lee characters. I know long ago he was almost considered a villain in some circles, however a lot of that has been swept under the rug. Obviously it's a controversial topic given his legendary status, but it could make for a very interesting video.

  5. Could you do something about the Image gang spinning off in the 90's? That would enhance your audience's knowledge about the creation of Cable, Deadpool, X-Force and the fantastic record breaking sales of Summer, 1991.

  6. I think toy man was pissed he doesn't get to profit from Spider-Man toys. Sony I believe still has the toy rights (or whoever does). Or they shut him up by giving him a separate deal on the spider solo movie OR reminding him he will profit incredibly from all the NEW characters coming into the mix and the toys he will sale.


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