On this episode of The John Campea Podcast (Recorded Sunday September 24th 2017) John takes the following viewer emails:

Simba Dibinga – I’m getting annoyed by all the people griping about how a Joker movie SHOULD be or how a Supes movie SHOULD be. Or how Batman SHOULD be etc. Do you think when it comes to DCEU too many people have a set vision of their characters in their mind and any perceived alterations hamper their ability to enjoy the movies?

Charles Harkins – Hey John, I listened to your comment on Emma Stone being in the Top three A-list actresses in Hollywood. Is she past Hathaway, Lawrence, Adams, Blanchett, Winslett?

Felix Moro – My question is, what do you think about the absence of Jacob Batalon (“Ned”) from Spider-Man: Homecoming’s posters. His role in the movie is bigger than Zendaya’s, yet she’s in the poster and he’s not. Same with Laura Harrier’s character (“Liz”), who is the romantic interest of the movie, while Zendaya’s role is practically a cameo. Isn’t it too much discrimination? Do you think the next movie will be more fair and have Batalon in its poster?

Eddie Burton – Would you be comfortable in comparing actor Steve Carell to Tom Hanks at this point? Not in terms of acting ability but in terms of success in transitioning from one genre to another. Tom hanks was seen as a comedy star back in the 80s till he made his transition into drama and is now seen as one of the greatest actors ever. With Steve Carell focusing on projects to challenge him, would you say he’s made an equally successful transition?

Joshua Rodriguez – With all the news of Eisenberg’s Luthor, as well as Clemon’s Iris West and others being cut from the film, should we expect the home release of Justice League to have an “extended edition” just like BvS? Wonder Woman didn’t come out with one, but JL is still Snyder’s film, and the director loves his extended cuts. What are your thoughts? Would you like to see an Extended home release with these characters put back in?



  1. John, just letting you know you and original AMC team and Collider Videos gave me more knowledge about movies and actors more than ever. Thank you for doing what you're doing.

  2. Wow. Pretty lame. I hate the "take this movie as it is" excuse when they are adaptations of the comic books. In fact saying that the movie didn't "agree" to the source material is way beyond lame. These are adaptations so yes (not everything) but certain things that have always been at the characters roots ARE expected. Has Batman killed in comics on a handful of occasions? Well, in some imaginary Elseworld one shots for instance, but even in most of those they were last acts of desperation. They weren't the murder man as we saw in BvS. He simply killed when it was convenient and then the oath he took on his parents grace means little which means the gravitas behind Batman is mostly gone. Context.
    As far as MOS goes what a piece of crap that was. So I/we have to watch it based on the rules Synder and Nolan and Goyer decided to set eh? Ok then all those years of Superman in the comics, the stuff that made him endure all this time even through lean years doesn't matter I guess. In that case why even call it Superman at all? Why not simply make Gladiator (the old story that had a heavy influence on Siegel and Schuster) into a film instead? Beyond all of that MOS was a dour, dull, heartless, uninspiring, loud, miserable poorly constructed piece of crap anyway. So we are supposed to except and go with the world they set up for Kal el in the movie because that's how he would be in that kind of environment eh? I see…..well apparently the character learned nothing during MOS because he didn't change at all by BvS. The world they set up for Kal el was all of the above (dull, uninspiring, poorly plotted, overblown, dour, miserable etc) and Kal was very "un Kal like" (yes the roots of the character were ripped out) and unlikable. In BvS as well.
    Also the overblown (and Snyder does a lot of overblown. Awful Jesus metaphors, and 9/11 allegories for instance) loud nonsensical, poorly set up 9/11 crap ending on Zod's badly set up neck snap was crap. That;s what I want to see! Sure! 9/11allegories in a Superman movie!! Even though I go to this type of a movie to be entertained god forbid. We live that crap every day why do I need to see a Superman movie with that as a centerpiece? Oh right because that's the rules THEY decided to set. Damn I forgot that part John Campea. Thanks for setting me straight.
    And the Reeve Superman had a dark scene? (as if that matters here). There was also and hour plus set up before that moment arrived. Context, context, context. WW is certainly a wonderful example of how to adapt a long established comic book character. A nice blend of drama, fun, heart. I go to a CB movie to also have some fun and leaving both of Snyder's films were anything but that. As well as the fact that now kids don't have a Batman OR a Superman at the movies thanks to the DCEU. Kids are the ones ( and I was one) who grew comics yet they are in effect ignored. That didn't happen as I left WW. Instead they decided to make Superman into Batman. Yeah that was a great idea.

  3. Chances that Rey's mom is Leia (who seems different from her in many ways) but her dad isn't Han? Who she had a GREAT relationship with in Episode VII and who she seemed to bond with over…smuggling, and stuff? NOPE.

  4. I dislike Batman V Superman because of their characterization of the characters AND the movie itself. In the Nolan films, Batman did kill people and it bothered me but I overlooked it because they were good films.

  5. I have ZERO FAITH in The Transformers franchise anymore. I didn't see…nor do I plan to see…"Transformers: The Last Knight". I was so burned by "Transformers: Age of Extinction" that I placed a personal-embargo on anything Transformers so long as Michael Bay is attached. I'm done until he's gone.

  6. John. Thank you for calling out the things as rumors. Thanks you for saying alot of this is not factual. and lets remember – Joss had 2 months of shoots. and not in total, as cast were not available for the most part, its simply impossible for him to have shot more than 20% and do post on the whole film by nov – its simply not possible. these roles if anything where simple small cameos. As we know as a FACT – this film is Zacks vision. It's his film. He has directed 80% of the film. and IS THE DIRECTOR – and will be credited as the director. because he directed it.

  7. Batman may have made a vow…. but as alfred said, everything has changed. he has become more cruel – its ok if he had a vow. because with the death of Robin and black zero event he is a broken man a broken batman – and the story itself is about how he is lost and finds himself and his renewed hope in man kind again.

  8. MOS and BVS and JL are a story arc and character development shown over 3 films, in Superman he leaves the fortress a fully fleshed out superman with no more growth. and YES Batman in comics, but also Batman has killed in the movies. Keaton killed way more. and Bale killed way more and neither had a reason in the story arcs. Cap America kills thousands of people –

  9. I honestly don't believe Assassin's Creed was "garbage." Some stuff was poorly executed and it's far from a masterpiece, but the action was mostly great, the cast was good, I found the story interesting and I like the world it established for potential future stories.


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