How Superman Returns In Justice League Leaked! Black Suit Superman Confirmed!

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  1. I don't think they will ever get any of the JLA movie together the way it needs to be! And why go into a black superman suit if it ain't broke why fix it?  Superman died to early in the vs movie unnecessary!!  I hope the powers that be will not terribly screw up the joining of Green Lantern or whoever in the near future. I think how x men and wolverine flicks were messed up in keeping with a good storyline….don't these movie guys can't get it right like the avengers and their counter parts of the team…at least those movies were great!  I do not get it??

  2. Yeah is it just me? has anyone seen the new reboot of the origin story? in 2015 or 16? The animated one? It includes all of them and Green latern. So why isn't he here???

    plus I never thought cyborg fit in to the JL either at the origins of the JL. I've never heard or seen that. Martian man was in before he was. But nightwing did join the JLA and so would star fire and cyborg. but just not in that time of beginings..

  3. I love the part of the trailer where Superman tells Lois, 'I guess that's a yes'; in regard to the wedding ring… In fact I almost feel sorry for Lois. After all that time 'dead' and then in the regeneration chamber Superman is going to come back with a renewed fervor in anticipation of an after wedding 'Honeymoon', after all even Superman has 'needs'…. Poor Lois, she's going to be walking 'bowlegged' for a year after the 'drilling' Superman gives her!!!

  4. I just can't stand the CYBORG…. super heroes are not ROBOTS… he belongs in a Terminator or Transformers movie… If they just needed a BLACK guy, they should have brought the Martian Man hunter or a black Green Latern…. The Chinese and Indians are not complaining if they dont get represented in super hero movies. They represented huge markets, so whats next a CHINESE supergirl or an Indian Batman.

  5. Wonder Woman takes him to the Kryptonian ship where they find Luther…There they discover the ability to take command with Kal el's Key…They instruct the computer to regenerate Superman's body…ez


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