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The newest adaptation of Stephen King’s It took a few creative liberties with the story setting and events, so it’s probably no surprise that some of the characters described in the 1986 novel don’t come through quite same as they’d been written. Although the Losers and their nemeses certainly carry the spirit of the source material through to the big screen, let’s take a look at how they stack up to the book’s original descriptions…

Bill Denbrough | 0:24
Richie Tozier | 1:10
Ben Hanscom | 1:56
Beverly Marsh | 2:36
Eddie Kaspbrak | 3:34
Mike Hanlon | 4:11
Stan Uris | 4:43
Henry Bowers | 5:16
Patrick Hockstetter | 5:56
Pennywise | 6:42

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  1. The difference between Bill and Tim as Pennywise is all in their mannerisms.

    Listen to the way they speak to the kids.

    Tim's Pennywise is already a supernatural being, that's mastered being a human already. He acts, talks, thinks and looks very human. He doesn't have an eerie voice or design; and he acts actually impressed and concerned over Georgie telling "I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers! My Dad said so!" And Tim has that very approving look when he says "Very wise, Georgie. Very wise indeed!"

    Bill on the other hand is a supernatural creature that's trying to be human, but fails. His voice, appearance, manner of speaking and actual body stances are very inhumane. Pennywise in this version of something that's trying to be human, but fails miserably. Once again; when Gerogie starts laughing with him in the drain scene, Bill just stops and looks genuinely annoyed. He doesn't understand that getting a kid to laugh is an easier way to earn their trust.

    The scares and attacks are vastly different too.

    Tim very rarely tried to kill the kids. And often times he'd just stand around, talking about his floating balloons and laugh at them.

    Bill however constantly made efforts to kill the kids. Even after Beverly claimed she wasn't afraid, Pennywise then proved her wrong and opened up his deadlights.

    Both are too very different incarnations of the same character, but both are equally as brilliant as one another. Which scares you more? The humane one, or in the inhumane one?

    Something that can lure you in by being a master of pretending; or something that lures you in with nothing but pure fear?

  2. i think they should make another one in 27 years, the same cast, and since they made that pack that they would come back if Pennywise did, they should fight IT again but fully win this time.

  3. Bill (It) did perfect! The smile is perfectly nerve-racking. I just saw the movie and was terrified. I'm still fucking shaking, I haven't been scared of a horror movie since Silent Hill. Of course most horror movies have good plots, but are never perceived well and are less fearsome.


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