Not all the fans realize that many of the screen images are far from the book’s original creations. Take a look at how the characters created by George R. R. Martin should really look!

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  1. i really liked Loras but he is dead.
    And Thommen…who is also dead.
    Jon Snow who was dead
    and Rob stark who is dead too
    and then there is Renley…dead…
    Luckily Tyrion, Arya and Bran are still alive

  2. Aardvark's spade-like claws allow them to dig
    through termite mounds to feast on the insects within.
    Aardvark's can eat up to around 50,000 termites in one night.

    Penguins often slide on their tummies over ice and snow.
    This is called tobogganing. Researchers believe they
    do this for fun and as an efficient way to travel.

    Puffins shed the colourful outer parts of
    their bills after the breeding season,
    leaving a smaller and duller beak.

    Pigs can sniff out truffles with their snouts.



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