Check out this Game of Thrones Season 7 Theory about how the White Walkers will get past the wall.

From the very beginning people have always asked how will the Night King will get past the wall, or will the wall fall, but thanks to some major Game of Thrones Season 7 Easter eggs, they might have just revealed how the Night King will get past the wall.

What do you think? Can the Night King get past the wall, more Game of Thrones Season 7 plot lines revealed.

Night King theory and White Walker theory.



  1. What if the Night King is Santa before he gained weight and the wights are his elf workers before they shrunk and all they're trying to do is bring presents to everybody but they have to defend themselves when they're attacked and the Night King is okay with it because he's also a union rep who's mandated by the AFL-CIO to hire a greater number of workers to form a more diversified workplace.

  2. Here is a tip for your youtube channel, don't ask people to subscribe at the beginning of the video, you said "if this is your first time on this channel don't forget to subscribe" ermmm why would i subscribe before i find out if i like your videos, so i'm already 1% annoyed before your video has truly started, will reply to this comment after i watch the video. brb. 🙂

  3. Funny to see how utterly wrong you were. Maybe speak with a little less confidence when talking about THEORIES, instead of talking about them like they are already confirmed.
    "THIS is how the white walkers will breach the wall." Nope.

  4. It's a good theory. I personally don't like it because I think just walking around is anti climactic. I also don't like the way the show handled it. Waiting thousands of years for something that may not happen is a really bad plan. I would prefer if they used the Horn of Winter. Despite my opinion, it was pretty convincing overall. Even after watching Season 7 Episode 7.

  5. Well, so close, but so far, as you mentioned the ice dragon, but discarded it. Why did the night king wait so long? He had to wait for dragons to return. Why did they march towards the wall? To lure the dragons out. I mean, they always leave someone alive to warn the others (not "the Others"). All the strange behavier of the white walkers could indicate that they simply wanted to lure the dragons beyond the wall. Not to far fetched, if you see, that the night king is a green seer and warg, perhaps even Bran himself. Or do you think, he was on an ego trip, when he reanimated thousands with Jon watching, instead of simply sneaking an army up to the wall. He calmly waited thousands of years, just to show everybody that he's coming.
    And btw the ice in the scene is far too uneven to be frozen sea. I generally like your (/Game of Theories') theories, but I think, one can clearly see that the ice is over land.


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