The Great War is quickly approaching. We will get our first real taste of this during Game of Thrones Season 7 when The Wall comes crashing down. Are the people of Westeros prepared to face an enemy with these powers and an Army of this size? No! But with a big enough Army and the right weaponry… Plus dragons they do stand a chance, but how will they kill the Night King? We’ve seen how to kill Wights and White Walkers, but not the Night King. Can the Night King be killed using the same tactics? I don’t think so, but in this video I list two ways I think they will be able to do this. Thanks for watching as always! Have a good day!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

Intro Voiced By: The Walking David

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  1. I actually believe the Night King might be able to be killed same as his soldiers. Because if you pay attention many of the most revered kings and battle leaders fought beside their troops. Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Stannis Baratheon, and even Daenerys Targaryen have fought beside their soldiers in some shape or form. It can be argued that Daenerys, while on top of Drogon, was not in as much danger as her men on the ground. But like Tyrion said after the battle against the Lannisters hundreds of arrows were fired at her and they missed but any of them could've hit her in the heart and killed her. Despite knowing the dangers of being there, even while riding on top of a firebreathing dragon, she goes into battle anyway. But the Night King doesn't. He watches the battle unfold from on top of a hill or wall. He never really joins the fight despite being the most powerful. He plays it smart. He knows as the King if he falls his war is lost. So he plays it like chess by keeping his army between himself and his enemy. While I don't think dragonglass and regular fire would kill him, dragonfire and Valyrian steel weapons might get the job done.

  2. yeah dragons can be killed and so on but if the three of them would fight the wights and walkers without their king theyd be burned to death. be it an army of 500 000 elite fighters, let it be 1 million undead.

  3. I think you have to kill Bran with Dragonfire/Dragonglass/Valyrian Steel, whatever. He is the "lonely Wolf, that has to die for the pack to survive". And Bran is connected with the NK

  4. Molten Dragon Glass + Molten steel + Dragonfire + tempered = Valyrian steel = Valyrian steel armour for Drogon and Rhaegar by Gendry. Make about 50 of those scorpions with about 100 dragon glass spears for each scorpion.= Night King Fucked!!! xD ftw
    Dragon Glass Steel(too much of a mouth full) or Dragon steel. The Valyrians were obviously credited with the creation of Dragon steel, which is why it is called Valyrian steel. It is also possible that dragon glass may have been called dragon stone by some of the ancients, which could be where the name Dragonstone comes from. Makes sense with there being a mountain of it there. xD

    1. Dragon glass(obsidian) is lighter than steel, which explains why Valyrian steel is lighter than steel.

    2. Dragon glass(obsidian) is harder but more brittle than steel, but putting them together would make the steel harder but the dragon glass more flexible.

    3. the dragon glass(obsidian) mixed with the steel, would make it so it would never need to be sharpened, as
    dragon glass(obsidian) does not need to be sharpened. it doesn't break down like steel does from a Whetstone. But would need to be sharpened when it is being tempered to hold a fixed sharpened edge.

    4. the dragon glass(obsidian) would take away the corrosive elements of the steel, as dragon glass(obsidian) is anti corrosive the same way gold and silver are, maybe even more as gold and silver gather impurities over the years. Dragon glass is frozen fire, fire purifies and never gathers impurities, which explains why it is always so clear and reflective.

    5. it would not need magic spells as dragon glass(obsidian) kills white walkers without magic spells.


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