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Tim Hickson
PO Box 69062
Lincoln, 7608
Canterbury, New Zealand

The artist that designed my display pic!

I am so excited to see what you guys have made 😀 Thanks for watching subfuries.



  1. This kinda makes me think about the shift in protagonists that is occurring in Star Wars. The original series focused on Luke, then shifted to Anakin, and now it has shifted to Rey. By the time we were familiarized with our new protagonist, Luke was still around, but SPOILERS we were ready for the clean break that would occur in his death during TLJ. Same thing applies to Han, and inevitable, Leia.

    Sure, we were sad when the old protagonists died, but we still had this plethora of new protagonists to follow as each original protagonist has been killed off. These new guys sort of took up the mantles of the original trio without being carbon copies of them. And in my opinion, it was really well done.

    Keep doing these video essays. They're amazing, and I really enjoy listening to your critiques. You are very insightful.

  2. Hello, fellow Kiwi. KAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I love how you do theory because there are not many people who do the stuff that you do so stay original unlike our kangaroo cousins (We made the pavlova).

  3. The problem GRR had, and one thing I'm surprised no one has really brought up anywhere, is that he forgot to make any of his characters besides Ned actually likable. He's made some of them sympathetic, mostly by making them less monstrous than the majority of the cast, but some readers (like me) saw through that, and put down the book shortly after Ned's death. He may not be the only protagonist, but he was the only hero, the only one (barring some of the children, because they are still children) who was redeemable, or even that compelling.

  4. You do know that with the title and thumbnail you are already spoiling right? (I've watched both shows so I didn't get spoiled myself, but I am saying for other people?

  5. Great theme! You should always channel whatever you are passionate about!

    I just don’t think that the low frame animation or the practically still frames in a video like this work. You speak fast and a (visually) faster paced video is necessary so as not to be distracting.

    Either build the images and clips of these videos a little more or show yourself up and use the clips as support.

    I hope this feedback is helpful.

    Stay nerdy! 😉

  6. Way I see it: You have three options.A: With a FREAKING BANG. This is self explanatory.B: With tragedy. Let them fail everything; or their one goal; just let them die.C: Just… Do it. No fuss, no tragedy, just death. How it happens. They were there once chapter, and in the next, they just… Aren't.


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