Today, i build the shell for the furnace. Many people start a furnace with a stainless keg, or a bucket. I built the furnace WITHOUT an enclosure. Why? Because i lack planning skills. But I don’t lack sheet metal, so I took my chinesium harbor freight excuse for a metal brake, and i set to work making an enclosure.

The results look much, MUCH more like something out of Mad Max than I had anticipated, but that’s a good thing I suppose. No movie with that many superchargers can possibly be bad. I feel like i’m a bit off topic here…

Part 1 (shaping the bricks) is here:
Part 2 (mortar and coating) is :

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Music: “Quirky Dog” by Kevin MacLeod.



  1. After watching several of your videos I would suggest you should always start with plan B since plan A seems not to work a lot of the time. LOL. Love your delivery and methodology of your problem solving. It reminds me of a basic cable how to program someone made in their garage. Keep it up.

  2. Lmao!. You make my night go to sleep laughing That lid looks heavy Get a sky hook for your lid Can not wait to watch you firer up I bet you can melt steel with that baby how many projects do have going on?. Like me to many to remember lol Thanks for taking the time out of your sleep time to make us laugh.

  3. ā€œIā€™ll melt you laterā€ obviously referring to you melting our boredom away with your awesome videos haha love them brotha. You are one cool dude. šŸ™ŒšŸ¼āœŠšŸ¼šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼

  4. I have been thinking of enclosing my furnace as well. I was thinking of pouring dry sand in between the metal shell and the firebrick to add a bit more insulation and stop any air passing through any gaps in the bricks.

    I wouldn't worry too much about how the welds look as long as they do the job. Better to have done ugly welds that work than think about perfect welds that never see the light of day.

  5. Don't be too hard on yourself for the welding. Welding sheet steel is not an easy task regardless of your equipment. I took a class (at a community college) on it and I could not get the hang of it for the life of me. Oxy-Acetylene welding makes it a little easier because it is painfully slow, but even then, if you have the wrong tip or technique, you're screwed. I think you're doing a great job, the only thing that I spotted that got me concerned was having that metal lip between the two levels of bricks. I would be worried that it would heat up excessively, but I doubt that it'll cause any type of structural concerns though. You've got a really solid design. I wonder if you should use a lift style system for your lid (TAOW did something similar in his electric furnace upgrades, it made it so he didn't have to carry the lid freely, it had some guidance and he didn't have to worry about where to put it down). Nice work in getting in a lot of other skills in your work. You've got a lot of skills in your arsenal and it's pretty awesome to see all the skills you can put to good use!


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