Game of Thrones theories -Bran Stark – Game of Thrones Season 7 Ep 3 The Queen’s Justice We see Bran Stark finally make it home to winterfell. This is the big easter egg everyone missed in this video. Bran ia not who you think. the three eyed raven is that who taught Bran or is that Bran himself
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  1. You have made a muddy point clear & justifiable – and agreed with by Meera Reed!
    When saying her 'Good-Byes' to 'Bran' as she was leaving Winterfell to return home  to her father (Howland Reed) at Greywater, Meera was startled at his coldness.  "Is that all you have to say?   My brother (Jojen) died for you;  Hodor and Summer died for you. I almost died for you." 
    She was confused by his lack of response to their parting.  Then it hit her —   "You are not Bran, Bran died in the cave!"

    This was a good catch – the Three Eyed Raven admitted Bran was not ready – but he could be of use to TER!!!!!

  2. i dont agree . i think Bran has now matured to the point of being an individual who who does
    not care abt sentimentalism and caring about lordhsips and titles of mankind. he understands whats coming is bigger than everything else that his sister can comprehend.

    him mentioning Sansa and what she went through was not bcoz it was something he heard from someone else. he knew of Sansa's paint and struggles and that was to prove that i know everything now. he was trying to tell her that i saw all your pain. Arya never saw it thats why she isnt happy abt her sister.

    being the three eyed raven is more like being a man of the night watch. you give up everything else and in this case its for real because its a heavier burden

  3. he is still bran deep down, but after merging with the three eyed raven he is now more than just bran, it's hard for him to show emotion now because he is more than human, very intelligent people usually don't show emption…. if your head was filled with the memories of the past, all the love, loyalty, death, betrayal, and heart ache of thousands of years is in his mind lol, I don't blame him, he is more than human now so that's why he doesn't act normal or show emotion but I guarantee that deep down he feels emotion but he is so mature and enlightened now that it doesn't get to the surface for everyone to see, it's just like that super hero movie watchmen where Dr. Manhattan becomes a super human enlightened being and turns blue and goes to live on Mars, he still remembers his life and feelings but now he is so enlightened that emotions are silly things to him now and sees emotions as a sort of bane on humanity. go look up that scene and listen to him explain it and it will help you understand bran's situation.

  4. I think Bran (in all his forms) is making sure that the things that need to happen to save humanity are done. If Bran is or is connected to The Night King I think that's why he sits waiting and watching and pretty much knows what's going to happen. I think Bran just needs to make sure certain events go down in order to form the characters they needs to be. I think that's why Jon snow isn't outright attacked by The Night King and the looks he gives him are maybe "Come on Jon, I know you are going to but please don't!" and the same when Jon was North of the Wall and The Night King was so calm watching Jon and just waiting for Dany to fly his new Dragon over. I feel like he maybe watches Jon and others to make sure they are going down the right path to become the people they need to become. Sadly, when you have not been hurt you are more trusting and have different beliefs. I think Bran doesn't want to have to do "bad" things but NEEDS his "siblings" to take actions and he needs to make sure they do at all costs!!!

  5. I don't think bran makes it to the end. He will die at some point. That dagger that was meant for him and given to him by little finger is still meant for him. Sansa has it now. He will die by that knife. And if that theory that bran is the night king has truth to it, then bran my ask someone to kill him. If the night king is bran in the future, then if bran kills himself as a young man before he becomes the night king then the night king will cease to be.

  6. This theory is not really sticky together , the three eyed raven knows all so regardless if it's bran or not he would know , and I think it's bran he is just over saturated with all the truths he knows and always experiences

  7. I do like the theory that Brendon Rivers has moved into Bran's body. I do think they occupy the same body TOGETHER. Both people are present at all times including those that may have become BEFORE them. (Kind of Bene Gesserit style, "Dune")

  8. A lot of discussion regarding Bran's demeanor? IT IS SADNESS! He sees all the suffering that must occur, including the deaths of some of those closest to him, AND THE SACRIFICES THAT MUST BE MADE.

    Bran is no longer the Bran we knew. He is soooo much more.

  9. And the reason he can't stay in his visions where he'd rather be is because he'll drowned in that vision and nvr tap out of it. Jus think if you had to see all the world's problems and be the only one that can fix the future. You'd think about nothing else and it would change you a lot.

  10. You're awesome!!! I think the Three Eyed Raven is a hybrid of the person and the Raven. Bran had dreams from early life and his lineage kept the Old Ways. Bran is still there but now is meshed with the Raven or life force of universe. I think his detachment comes from his now life's experience that is now greater than a single life's.

  11. I don't think the eye raven took over bran. I think it has been bran all over again. And when his eyes turn white at the cave. He was just receiving what the older bran knew. And after seeing and living your life thru everyone's eyes you stop having attachments

  12. When the old 3 eyed raven was about to doe, Nram said he still has had a lot to learn , questioning his readiness. So he is Bran bit with all the knowledge and memories of past present and future it makes his little person/ality all the less important or significant in the overall scheme of the whole world. He's become a servant of truth. So his little.person seems minor to him.

  13. He's linked into the consciousness of all the other greenseers that interacted with the weirwoods.
    So brans personality is just a drop in an ocean of all the knowledge and multiple time periods and people..he's just emotionally detached. It's like he's viewing this as another vision and not happening to himself


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