Game of Thrones season 8 is becoming the year of the enormous sets. There are already huge ones at Moneyglass (Winterfell) and Belfast (King’s Landing), both in Northern Ireland. Now, Twitter account @GoTlikeLocation has spotted a new contender at Magheramorne Quarry, which is where the show has filmed set pieces like the Massacre at Hardhome and the Battle of Blackwater. It’s also where the Castle Black set is located. Check out pics below.

Let’s start with a far-off photo of the new set, glimpsed in the upper left-hand side of the image:

Zooming in, you can see the operation in better detail:

Focusing in on the green screen itself, you get a better sense of just how massive it is. Look at how small the trucks and cranes are in comparison to it!

Taken literally from the weeds, this shot gives you a better sense of the width of the green screen. Again, it’s massive, a couple hundred yards long, at least.

Source: @GoTlikeLocation

All of this reminds us of the green screen used to film the sequence with the zombie polar bear in  season 7’s “Beyond the Wall.” Only it’s way bigger.

Let’s look at the set from the other side. Below, you can see the Castle Black set on the left and the back side of the green screen on the right. It easily dwarfs the Castle Black set. Whatever is going to be filmed here will be huge.

And closer:

That is some serious scaffolding going on there.

So why might producers need such a big greenscreen? Clearly, it’ll involve a lot of CGI. How long until 2019 again?

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h/t Watchers on the Wall



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