This Episode of The Walking Dead Absolutely Broke My heart. Cant wait for the winter season!

The Walking Dead Season 8 Reaction Playlist –

The Walking Dead Season 7 Reaction Playlist –

Game Of Thrones Reaction Playlist –



  1. Some People think Coral got bit when they were fighting.  I think he got bit when he was that guy earlier cause this whole episode I noticed he looked sickly and that's probably why he asked Negan to make an example out of him cause he already knew his fate. Anywho its been a fun season cant wait to finish it

  2. I am a big fan of TWD, but this show is going to fall onto the great list of T.V shows that outlived their purpose, meaning, and story line. This show should have ended last season, everything that we are seeing could have been displayed last season by cutting all the rubbish in between of un-necessary fillers that take up screen time to extend a show that is not as popular as it was the first 4 seasons. It's all about greed and money for ratings, the typical show only has on average like 38-40 min, filled with like 20 minutes of commercials just to extend a series that has been on decline since season 4. Good T.V shows either end on a good note with a memorable upswing of popularity or they fall flat on their a$$ after milking the cow for too long, TWD cow has been milked for way too long.

  3. If you want to know what's pretty horrible is that amc lets us meet these characters and over time we hold on to them and learn to love them and then they just take them away but one thing for sure rick is gonna snap

  4. maaaaaaaaaaan! it was so hard avoiding all the spoilers the internet has tried to dump on me up till today. I usually wait until the mid season break and then binge the first half haha. gets hard avoiding every little side add on every site trying to fuck me over. and then WES!!! goes and does reacts. even trying to avoid eye contact while picking other videos is hard haha. but I'm caught up now, so being on the reacts brah.

  5. I feel soo bad right now. I was laughing so hard when he reacted to Carl's death. It sounds messed up, I know but. When he poured the water on himself, I couldn't help it & I just started dying. Sorry dude, but you literally made my day. I'm not happy about Carl's death if that's what you're thinking, I'm actually sad too but, your reaction just killed me. Like I said, I'm sorry but, you're hilarious.


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