And the surprise return of a fan favorite.

All rights belong to HBO, please subscribe to their services and purchase the show if you like it.



  1. Great actor, just wanted to be associated somehow with the greatest show on Earth. His role was very diminished and totally a waste. He would have been a terrific High Sparrow.

  2. The man tried to live without hype. Those who steered him fom the path of hype had good hearts, but they had not known, for the great battle was written long ago. Hype breathed in the very pages of the Elder Scrolls, weaving the tale of the greatest battle yet to come. You all know of this battle, you've always known…

  3. The worst part about that final scene is when you realized that they murdered, and destroyed and pillaged for nothing but blood. The food was tossed over, the women were still clothed, the structures were mostly intact. There was nothing to be earned from the destruction, just blood.


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