10 Wrestling Tag Teams That Totally Hated Each Other In Real Life –

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  1. I don't get why someone would ever think working someone like a pupper (ie very scripted promos) would help to naturally develop organic charisma in a wrestler's character….

  2. you are not wrong in the slightest she is the worst on screen person whenever she get in to the ring she is cutting someone down unless that person is dicking her she is just cringing to watch and needs to step away from it and let the wrestlers have a little more say and not have there knees cut from them because she thinks everyone she kneel before her

  3. pretty spot on. steph acts like the mr mcmahon bad guy, but vince ALWAYS got what was comin to him… how many times has he been embarrassed by steve austin? he let donald trump and bobby lashley shave his head…. steph is basically untouchable… its no fun that way it just makes her a bitch

  4. Taking credit for everything and blaming everyone else for his failures, that reminds of Vince Russo; that bitch is just like his father, she as the Owner of the Company will be like Dixie Carter for TNA.

  5. The hell you think? She's a McMahon.
    Vince is crazy.
    Linda is a politician.
    Stephanie has an ego.
    Shane is suicidal.

    And I wouldn't have it any other way because I love them for being that.

  6. u hit it right on the nail there when u said "the future is not as certain as she thinks it is" WWE is heading in the same self destructive path as WCW downfall i use to love steph back in the attitude era her role her gimmick of taking verbal insults i took my hat of to her she was just as important as the other attitude stars she played it brilliantly but then vince gave her too much control in decision makings whether its general manager commission manager and this is the brutal truth steph is way above her head and is not equipped when it comes to the business side of things she may think she is a business woman and ditched the skirts and dresses for a suit but shes just not cut out for it same for heel gimmick today to what it was in the attitude era shes not only made terrible decisions backstage with peoples gimmicks and the right people getting a push but shes also damaged her own before when Y2J and Rock would dictate the flow with steph stuck or words playing miss innocent but now Steph is the one overtaking people on the mic and shes just not very good at it all this YOUR FIRED and getting arrested trying to copycat her father Vince love him or hate him for hes bad decisions backstage is one of the most dominant people on the mic and can sell really well and im sure probably shane would do a batter job as heel than steph but the bottom line is they keep with these bad decisions backstage ruining careers pushing the likes of reigns zero personality then it could be curtains for WWE

  7. the pro of this, is that talent will flee to ROH and new Japan faster than ever. And There will indeed be serious competition foe WWEs survival again.
    The con is that sooo many talanted workers will be stuck in the WWE vacuum until they realize it

  8. NXT is the best thing they've got going right now, and I'm 100% certain the reason is because they let Trips do it his way. There are definitely some botches from the youngsters, but they have some great workers (Johnny Gargano, Adrade Cien Almas, Kassius Ohno) and some great characters (Velveteen Dream, Aliester Black), and much better stories – breakign up #DIY ruined my entire weekend I was so shocked.

  9. This video is 100% spot on on why Stephanie is one of the major factors on why the company is a hell hole right now. The video did miss one thing though, and that’s her weaseling her way into the Mae Young Classic. She never gave a shit about the women wrestlers and all of a sudden she’s popping up on promo videos for the tournament, and generally acting like she was the one that spearheaded the revolution. Seeing her on camera during the tournament did kill the moment considering her backstage behavior with the workers.

  10. calling it now , wwe will lose t.v deals, go just straight network shit and compete with the indies . I think it's just what it's coming too . people are not as much in to wrestling anymore . if anything, down sise for awhile might help them to stay alive in the long run .


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