If you find yourself needing some sword-swinging, armor-crunching medieval television this winter, the upcoming History Channel drama series, Knightfall, could offer an action-packed answer to your yearnings. Premiering on Wednesday, December 6th, the show focuses on the famous medieval Knights Templar, the mysterious Catholic military order that officially existed from1129 to 1312. Check out the first Knightfall Trailer below.

What can you expect? Read the official description:

The Knights Templar were the most powerful, wealthy and mysterious military order of the Middle Ages, entrusted with protecting Christianity’s most prized relic—the Holy Grail—and harboring secrets capable of great destruction.

KNIGHTFALL goes deep into the clandestine world of this legendary brotherhood of warrior monks. From their battles in the Holy Land, to their complex relationship with the King of France, to the betrayal that would ultimately lead to their tragic dissolution, the story of the Knights Templar has never been fully told until now.

“Fully told?” We don’t know how much of the new series will be accurate history, but it won’t matter if it’s good. We don’t have much to measure it by yet, but the second Knightfall trailer has just been released, and it’s got potential.

There’s no doubt the tales of the Templars make for excellent plotlines. They were rich, powerful and deeply involved in the Crusades. When the Holy Land was lost, the Templars became less popular and more vulnerable. King Philip IV of France, who owed the Templars an immense amount of money, took control of the order and arrested many of its French members. Philip’s officers accused the Templars of heretical initiation ceremonies, forced their confessions through torture, and burned them at the stake. Philip had the Pope disband the order in 1312. Numerous myths, such as the Holy Grail legend, have infused the legacy of the secretive Templars so completely it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction. Rich story-fodder, indeed. And all the shifting loyalties and medieval trappings give it more than a little Game of Thrones flavor.

Actor Tom Cullen (who also appears with Kit Harington in BBC1’s upcoming historical thriller, Gunpowder) appears in a lead role as Templar knight Landry. The Knightfall website also has a Dan Jones & Knights Templar page with a nice selection of videos and articles on the history and mysteries of the Templars, if you’re interested.

Game of Thrones season 8 won’t air for a long while. Taking a chance on Knightfall in December could help with the cravings.

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