At the moment, the eyes of every Game of Thrones fan are fixed on the Roman ruins of Italica in Spain, where the production is shooting scenes at the Dragonpit of King’s Landing. For a while, we’ve been unsure which cast members would be part of this shoot, but it’s finally coming in to focus. Read on for SPOILERS.

While filming is happening at Italica, the cast members are actually staying in nearby Seville. We reported yesterday on one of them: Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) was lounging outside the Hotel Alfonso XIII. Fans noticed the hotel in the reflection of her sunglasses, proving there’s no hiding from them.

Now, more notables have popped up. This picture from  shows the body doubles for Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) and Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) posing with fans in Seville:

On top of that, the actual Dinklage posed for a photo with the chef of the restaurant Aponiente in nearby Cádiz:

So at minimum, Arya, Tyrion and Sansa will all appear at the Dragonpit. There are also been reported sightings of Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark) in the area, although no photographic proof as of yet. If the Winterfell crew is here, it means that this scene will probably take place after whatever big battle transpires up north.

We still don’t know exactly what they’re filming at the Dragonpit, but the presence of non-fighter characters like Sansa, Tyrion and possibly Bran indicates that we’re looking at another meeting of the kind we saw in the season 7 finale. At the least, this probably won’t be a big action scene, those kind of sequences being difficult to shoot in a historic location like Italica. There will be extras, though.

What do you think is happening here? Personally, I like the idea that we’re looking at some series finale stuff, perhaps a ceremony of some king, set in one of King’s Landing’s most iconic locations.

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