Incredibles 2 Teaser Trailer. Best Superhero Parody and Funny Moments, Justice League, Avengers Infinity War, No Capes and Justice League Review soon ►
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  1. Here's my new Incredibles 2 Teaser video. This will be dropping right after Deadpool 2 in June next year. Incredibles was one of the best superhero movies of all time. Best Parody too before Deadpool came along. Posting my Spoilery Justice League Review next, then new Flash Arrow Crossover Footage!

  2. NO CAPES!!!!!

    Have been waiting for this movie for years. My brother and I beat The Incredibles 2 game like 20 times and I have been patiently/impatiently waiting for this movie ever since The Underminer rose out of the parking lot. Though they probably aren't going to do him as the big bad for the movie. Hope they put in an easter egg for him like in Mr. Incredibles office were it had a history of all his victories in the newspaper clippings.

  3. my favorite part of the movie was when dash was running on water to get away from the bad guys, when I first saw incredibles I went to school the next day and started running around people pretending I was dash😂

  4. A video with Chris Hemsworth just came out about why he said no more capes as Thor. He said jokingly, but in all seriousness, that the cape would often get stepped on, caught in something, or flip over his face when trying to act. He was saying that if he has so much trouble just trying to film with one; then he doesn't understand why someone would want it in battle.


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