Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres 7.16.17 on HBO. #GoTS7

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  1. my absolute favorite costumes came from Trystane Martell even though he was very short lived, his style and sword just screamed romantic Prince. just incredibly well-done

  2. The costumes in season 7 are exceptional. I'm thinking wardrobe was given a bigger budget and a lot more time. Well worth every dime and every second. Dany's all time most becoming costume was in the Qarth warlock tower.. Im glad to see that same design concept revisited and enhanced. I was not happy with Meereen, particularly Daenerys (zippers and pins). I love the elaborate shoulder ornamentation on Cersei. Also the sweeping train of her skirts that Lena plays to the max. The fit and the detail work on the women are pure eye candy. I wish so many of the men were not drenched in black, black, black ,but I understand its largely due to faction and climate.Jaime wears the Lannister wealth extremely well. I'm hoping we've seen the last of Jorah's same old shirt. I know he's been down on his luck, but just once I would like to see him strut in lordly regalia.The Mountain's new armor is both gorgeous and terrifying. I love the deep rich reds on Melisandra. I think red hair looks horrible wearing red, but Melly has been the only exception.

  3. I did notice something when watching the episode (season 7, ep 1) and this was the outfits. Incredible, really. The older seasons have all had good costumes, but I really feel that Cersei's and Daenarys' clothes were really fantastic.

  4. Fuck that little dick punk ass bitch Conor Mcgregor, and fuck you GoT for casting that homophobic little shit stain. I'm going to pirate the episodes instead of paying for HBO. Not only that I am going to give my stolen items to literally everyone. Pvt me if you want to see season 7 in HD for free. FUCK YOU 2 assholes and your little Irish crap sack. I might kill him.


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