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  1. Let me know what you thought about Iron Fist Season 1 and what you think they can fix for Season 2. I think all their issues are largely fix-able in the next year, so I'm excited for an eventual Season 2. Defenders hype! Posting new Walking Dead probably early monday morning 🙂

  2. I know I am 7 months later and probably nobody is gonna read this but anyways… I think that this show should have had fights like those from the Matrix series… Finn Jones did not fit the role very well… not his fault, but he just didn't. Also, I beg to differ… The Meachums were the redeeming quality of this show. Oh, and I hated Bakuto. Bad casting choice, too… Mme Gao was great. There, that's basically what I think.

  3. I noticed all the hate on this show. To be honest it's probably my favourite of them all. Yes sure, it's not perfect – nor was any other show. I really love Iron Fist and the show's version of him.

  4. I have watched the 4 leading up to the defenders (about to start that now) & I haven't read comics…. I think Iron Fist was the least enjoyable of the series, & Daredevil defiantly looks more skilled at martial arts than I.F. does. I agree they needed to fill S1 with more story on Kun Lun & I.F. I liked the Ward character, it felt complex (he's grey, not black & white like you start off seeing him). I like what the producers did with the music in Luke Cage a lot. I am looking forward to getting more Jessica Jones in the Defenders!

    Q1: What is up with that I.F. ending? [S1 finale SPOILER] Davoos works for Choa & killed the people (or who?) at Kun Lun??! Wtf? How did Joy go from 'no dad don't frame Dany' to mf'ing 'yea creepy guy idk whom apparently is a secret traitor to Dany, I would like to hear a plan on killing him' ?!?!?!?! 😤

    Q2: Am I the only one that can't stand how the Claire got romantic with 2 of these; the worse part being one she met while he was with Jessica (who clearly has a special thing going with Luke) & jumps all over the moment she gets him alone!?? ugh I like the rest of her character, but why did the show need Claire to be slutty like that?

  5. I had to literally force myself to watch through it, I don't like picking up shows without watching all the previous one (I want to watch the Defenders) so I did force myself through it, and honestly? It was /awful/ by all means, it was horrible. The plot holes in this series were so big you could fit an entire fist, or body, through them.

    The fact that the characters switch their versions and opinions every 20 minutes or so? The fact there's some weird laps in language, like, how come Davos and Danny's teacher speak to him in /english/, wouldn't it be more logical if for the past 15 years they spoke, well, I don't know…in their native language?

    Claire suddenly being able to use catclaws, really? Going to China? All the other weird as hell plot holes….?

    The fact that Danny is not all that skilled in martial arts? It took him forever to take down even low-rank criminals… and in the end it wasn't even him taking on and defeating the big bad, like… if that's not humiliating, I don't know what is.

    I can go on and on and on with how badly written this show is, and surprisingly Ward was one of the only things I did enjoy in the show, though I expected to hate him the most, so go figure….

    Danny is a complete dick in this show and not the sweet gentle character I know him to be in different series… especially his interactions with Davos, choosing over a woman he hardly knows and who lied and betrayed him over his brother for the past 15 years is a bit of a dick move, so yeah, go figure.

    Overall I'd rate is like 3/10 maybe…. don't recommend any of you guys wasting your time the way I did.

    p.s there's hardly any special effects, even couldn't add some flames to the fist….

  6. I couldn't even finish the series… that's how bad it was and I don't know if it was the actor, director, or writers but his character just seemed like a child that needs his hand held at every corner.

  7. I think the real problem is they made those boardroom scenes and dragged the plot as much as possible beacuse finn jones can't fight. They needed something to skirt around the fights.

  8. The Hand is Hydra? No I think it's just a copy and paste version of League of Shadows from DC except they tweak a couple of characters and names used for immortality stuff. But you can't deny it's the same shit

  9. I feel like I'm the only one who thought this show is just completely amazing…
    I thought the acting was top notch, the special effects got really good towards the end of the show and the story kept me hooked all the way through! Throughout my day, I would think of this show and can't wait to get back home and watch it! Fuck the critics, I might have a bad taste in television shows, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. The only real issue I had was the fight scenes, they were kinda slow and funny to watch. Otherwise, I completely recommend this to anyone

  10. I have no issues with Iron Fist.
    I am no expert or something so I don't know what is the deal with fight scenes that everyone is complaining about. They are fine.
    And the pace, the plot, the characters are good as well.
    I don't get all the hate on Iron Fist.

  11. what bothers me is that for a show called iron fist, there was very little of it in the sense that it felt like they couldve left it out entirely and it wouldnt have made a difference, fight sequence wise. what's the point of being the iron fist, if 99% of the time he chooses not to use the thing that makes him stand out.

  12. I think that green isn't clearly the color of the show is an issue.
    Luke Cage had a yellow color
    Jessica Jones a purple color
    and Daredevil a red color
    That gave them a special feel like the brutal Street Life of Daredevil
    or the hangover feeling from JJ
    In Iron Fist you don't get such a feeling because, in my opinion, there is like I said no color

  13. Its supposed to be a superhero type show…and yet it feels like Iron Fist has no power at all. I think Daredevil would kick his ass no problem. I guess kung fu just doesn't translate as a super power—-boring show

  14. I haven't watched the show, but from what i see in this review, the main character just doesn't have the crispness martial artists have, his movements feel feeble if that makes any sense

  15. The only thing I did mind was the fighting scenes. I feel like the plot WAS stretched out for too many episodes but that happened with all Marvel Netflix shows, so it didn't bother me as much. Acting could've been better but it was ok for the most part. I totally disagree with Charlie saying that the very first scene should tell me everything about the character. That's the most ridiculous thing he's ever said. We're not toddlers; we can wait a little longer to find out what's going on, who's who, etc. I don't need to know who Danny Rand is by the end of the first episode. It's important that I know that by the end of the season, which I do.
    I also disagree about his opinion on the Meachems. I thought they were really compelling characters and I'm glad they weren't just background noise and they were actually developed throughout the season. I also disagree that Colleen ended up being underwritten. On the contrary, I think she was better presented and developed than Elektra for example.
    As I said, I do agree about the fighting scenes and the constant cuts, which were very annoying in the later part of the season when fights became more frequent.

  16. i really loved danny's character at first: i'm a sucker for a happy, kind character in a sea of ruthless pessimists that is the marvel netflix shows. it's refreshing. but something happened and the minute he got back into the rand company it's like his character snapped into being really entitled, rude, and kind of mean. i haven't read the comics but for me it felt like a very jarring change, and even if that is what he's like in the comics, i don't see how he could change his personality that fast.

  17. The problem was that Finn Jones was shitty at martial arts. They tried as best they could to make him look halfway decent, but couldn't manage it. They should have cast an actor that was less shitty at martial arts, and possibly a better fight coordinator, but that's impossible to tell because Finn Jones was just so shitty.

  18. The only problem is had with the Iron Fist series was that

    A: Not enough Iron Fist, and , ( As you said in the Video ) , the Martial Arts were…. ehh, let's say 6.88/10.
    B: The Iron Fist should not glow partially on his fist, it should glow FULLY on his fist, I would also like to see him use the Iron Fist on both hands.

    Other than the plot, the series was pretty good.
    8.99/10, 4(1/2) stars out of 5.

  19. is it just me, or does the main character ruin the show?  His acting seems to get worse further through the series and the co-stars are the only thing keeping me going.  He just looks confused the whole time.

  20. I feel like i am missed something, i like iron fist a lot. way more then luke cage and more then jones. i honestly think that iron fist is a binge or nothing kind of series. i can see this series dragging a lot if you watched it over a long period of time. i agree 8 esp would have been a better way to go about it. Of the hero's we have hes my favorite story and char so far, though punsher was always a great hero so subject to change if they do well in his season. i am looking forward to season 2 and defenders.


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