The Extras Dept. has made a name for itself in filming in Belfast, Northern Ireland, not in the least because of its work in casting extras for Game of Thrones. Remember Andy from The Last Watch? That was The Extras Dept. It posts a lot of casting calls in general, specifying some are for films and so on.

But lately, there have been calls for specific types of people to be cast. In particular, this call for long-haired guys over 18 sparked interest. It’s not like Bloodmoon — the working title the Game of Thrones prequel is being filmed under — is the only show that needs long-haired men, but the timing is what’s really suspicious to us.

After all, filming has just kicked off, and it’s already shut down one location. Here’s the post that has us intrigued:

Note that it doesn’t specify what it’s casting for. This also suggests that parts might be added to the main cast we already know about, should it be for Bloodmoon. Plenty of Westerosi men opt for long hair, including northerners (Ned Stark being a great example of this) and wildlings; there are long-haired men on Essos as well, especially among the Dothraki.

It’s also worth mentioning that the prequel is set to take place thousands of years before the timeline of the original series during the Age of Heroes and The Long Night, meaning it’s plausible the casting could be for tribes of First Men — the people who warred with the Children of the Forest spurring the Children to create the Night King. However, the whole “clean shaven” thing might indicate it has nothing to do with Bloodmoon.

This post doesn’t specify ethnicity, though, and doesn’t mention a timeframe, however, meaning it’s a little more unlikely that it’s specifically for Bloodmoon.

This one, which calls for black men over 50, is a bit more suspicious:

Both of them seem to be for upcoming things, and the second post notes that production is happening “during the week and you should be flexibly available from now until end of June.”

Not to say that the pilot’s going to take that little time to finish, but it’s possible that this might have something to do with a similar time period, like what’s going on over at the Marble Arch Caves, which is happening until the end of June or so.

Looking at the core cast, the show could definitely use people of color as extras. Note, however, that neither of these posts are looking for women. Should they both be for Bloodmoon — and note that this is pure speculation — we’d guess that these are military units or male-only spaces. That doesn’t preclude some of the women of the cast going into those spaces, but it’s just something to pay attention to as we go forward.

Oh, and if you’re in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland and want to apply, it’s apparently free, so get to it!

Next: Naomi Watts: Fans “won’t be let down” by the Game of Thrones prequel

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