Game of Thrones has thrown surprise after surprise at us. But this twist could be huge. Is Bran Stark actually The Night’s King? We delve into the theory and it might not be totally crazy!

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  1. I hope that something like this is going to be revealed because as it is the undead are really boring antagonists in a show that is centered on intrigue and witty dialogue.

  2. I have a question:-

    What was Bran hoping to achieve by telling the Mad King to construct wildfire when he knows that he did that anyway. In other words Bran knows that the Mad King made the wildfire and then Tyrion and Cersei used it all up, so how would things change by him telling the mad king to make wildfire?

  3. 'BURN THEM ALL' will be something Jon shouts when trying to fight the wights in Winterfell, while Bran will be looking back in time at the time of Aerys, and will accidentally inflict Aerys just like Hodor.

  4. What makes everyone think the Night King and the White Walkers the villains? They're not the ones that broke the agreement. It was the humans who later crossed the wall and set up camp in the north(Wildlings). It was also the humans that took Little Sam which was another agreement that was broken. This is all without even taking into consideration that they bitch, complain, and kill each other all the time. GRRM doesn't write's in the typical "good vs. evil" archetype. He always write every character to be morally ambiguous.

  5. well, bran becoming the night king is pretty far fetched and bad for the game of thrones story in my opinion, but still it would be interesting to see bran causing things to happen like making Aerys go mad and resulting in the wall being built and plus that would be an actual good twist for the story of game of thrones instead of bran becoming the night king

  6. It would be so cool if the night king was Brann and he was the true "prince who was promised"… Think of it. If the night king won the war, there wouldnt be houses anymore, there wouldnt be differences between rich and poor. That, in a dark, negative way, is the "peace" that everyone wants in Westeros… Like, you know… In the matrix, if you think of it, Neo isn't the one, agent smith is! and IT MAKES SENCE!

  7. I bet you the night king is coming to Attack those attacking the starks, because they werent a threat until ned stark died. Imaging cersi'e gold company makes it to the shore and jon snow is unbelievely overpowered by cersie, and now then they see the white walkers only killing cersie's army, this is a total WHAAAA when the entire seasons, the walkers have been the source of fear, but now maybe the only source of hope for The stark line?!

  8. You said that bran travelled in the current timeline back in the past to stop the white walkers.
    If bran is the night king this means that the night king was born because bran travelled back in time and the children of the forest turned him into the night king.
    This also means that if bran hadn't travelled bach in time in the first place,the night king wouldn't exist.
    The problem is that bran originally had to travel back in time to stop the white walker and the night king who both existed before bran had traveled in the past an become the night king himself.
    If the night king and the white walkers didn't exist in the current timeline there would be no reason for bran to travel in the past and become the night king himself.
    And if we assume that bran is the night king this means that if the existence of the night king and the white walkers made bran travel back in time,this means that something else made bran travel back in time in the first place in order for the night king and the white walkers,who existed before bran travels in time because of their their current existence and his will to become a hero,to exist in the present.
    The only thing I can think of is that before bran travelled in the past for the first time the reason westerns faced was just white walkers and he travelled in the past to prevent the children from creating them but it turned bad for him becoming the night king.
    But in conclusion what made bran travel back in time in current timeline is the threat of the night king.
    If he didn't exist bran wouldn't have travelled in the past in the first place.
    But if he hadn't travelled back in time and become the night king the night king wouldn't exist.
    This means that they are not the same,bran is not the night king as you describe it because this wouldn't make sense from a timeline perspective.
    But these are all my thoughts,you might be right.
    Nice video,continue the good work…


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