*New Microphone* – Hopefully it’s better

Calum explains the Gravedigger and Cleganebowl theories and explains whether they are likely to occur in the books or the tv show.



  1. GRRM`s ASOIAF works are so enriching and fun because of his masterful use of foreshadowing and clues. I.e, he wouldn't have Gravedigger petting a hound for no reason. Martin has also had other characters "lose" their identities. Arya becomes "no-one". We have yet to see if Jon Snow becomes Jon Targaryan. So yeah, Clegane-bowl is a definite possibility. Re the valanquar, one theory is that Jaime could be Cercei`s strangler, perhaps to prevent her from burning King`s Landing to the ground.

  2. First of all I want to say how refreshing it is to get some new perspective at some of these long time theorized ideas! Before watching this video, i'll have to admit I've heard this theory 100 times and no one has quite convinced me that it has president until now. Great job mate, i'm now convinced!! I'll look forward to hearing some of your future theories and ideas surrounding the books and show, you kill it in my opinion!! By the way I love your accent almost just as much as your ideas LOL keep up the good work!!!

  3. I think in the show Cleganebowl is a definite yes, it'd be a televisual opportunity too good to miss! in the books no…I don't think Sandor will be going back to KL unless it's somehow to accompany Sansa maybe?

    I really like the idea that the valonquar prophecy is a metaphor for strangling cersies power via Ser Strong…I'd never considered anything other than A little brother (eg stannis, edmure, loras….any younger brother with just cause) actually strangling her but you're right, prophecy us about interpretation and not always a literal meaning.

    thanks for joining us last night Calum, loved your BR theory 🙂

  4. Interesting Theory and good video! Do you think the High Sparrow is connected to Quiet Isle? For some reason I keep thinking the show is going to use either Lancel or The Knight of Flowers to fight the mountain, seems like they would want to kill off the Tyrells this season except maybe Margery just a feeling. @Callum

  5. The Arya scene where the waif asks her if the Hound is dead Arya replies he is dead and the waif smacks her. When she agains asks her she replies that she does not know if he is dead or not and the waif does not hit her.


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