

  1. How could the Wall be one of the remnants of an advanced civilization that brought about a nuclear winter if it was constructed after the Long Night? Also, ancient civilizations, many of which didn't write on paper and used bronze weapons, built edifices that far surpass some of the castles of Westeros in terms of engineering accomplishment. If you're going to make the argument that a technologically advanced civilization built architectural anomalies before the humans of Planetos rose to civilization, then why wouldn't you mention the black stone scattered across the world? The sci-fi influences on ASOIAF are clearly Lovecraftian, not post-apocalyptic. I'm sorry, but this theory does not really fit with the story of Planetos.

  2. but why would a sci-fi civilisation build an ice wall and fancy castle? Sounds more like a similar medieval society with better technology thats gotten lost, the theories in the books say the children of the forest helped bran the builder do it, so maybe its thier technology, but not so sci-fi.

  3. I think the origin of most structures might be linked to the cthulhu mythos (there are strange unknown buildings in their world made of oily black stone which is close the the materials used in old ones structures in lovecraft's stories, there are also tales of creatures similar to deep ones and strange cities that can never be settled for long)

  4. I like how you make far off theories in a show about magic and fantasy while arguing it makes "more sense" your way. Then you go on near the end acting like those ridiculous theories are true. Sorry but this all a bunch of you wanting it to be something it clearly isnt. Fun idea and all, but completely ridiculous with the story line being presented. Especially when the stuff you're saying that "makes no sense" is clearly made sense of in the show.

  5. To everyone in this comment section getting butthurt and saying that this theory is ridiculous, you probably haven't read all of the authors other science fiction stories. Bitterblooms is a good example.

  6. I seem to recall nuclear winter being proven false awhile back. Not that it could not happen, but the studies used dubious perimeters to reach their conclusion. E.g. assuming all cities would become raging infernos and all/most of the soot/ash would reach the stratosphere.

  7. The biggest problem I find with this theory is that I just see no purpose in that twist. What would it add to the story, at all?
    Until I can find a proper justification for this idea, it just kind of seems like nonsense.

  8. Assuming this is accurate, which seems more plausible to me after this video, would that mean the white walkers are the undead survivors of this nuclear apocalypse? Some are sentient and have abilities that normal humans don't and the whites are these decaying mindless zombies.


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