George Martin has dropped a major bombshell about Beric Dondarrion being resurrected using fire magic and how that makes him a “FIRE WIGHT”!!! Lets discuss what this means for our King In The North!
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  1. I assume you have read the books. Then you must know that Jon is quite different than Beric and Cat…More special and his return would be different.
    I think George wasn't talking about the show or about Jon.
    On the show as someone else has said Jon will fuck with Dany…Would a fire wight whose heart isn't beating get a boner HA. Would he eat like Jon does?
    Magic and special. Not a fire wight. Unless Dany is a wight as well for coming out of a fire unharmed..But of course we know about blood sacrifice, dragon bonding and Mirri.

    If you are indeed a book reader, you should be more careful. I get it all of you making videos about game of thrones do it for other reasons besides the shows popularity. But show watchers often misunderstood an blow everything out of proportion because of something they heard someone else saying.

  2. i think in the books, lady stoneheart gives the kiss of life to jon snow, giving her life to someone she hated. in the show i think Beric will revive Jon Snow for a second time.

  3. Beric has been Resurrected what, 7 times? Well, as per AD&D rules, that means he's lost a good 7 points of Constitution and any hit point or saving throw bonuses he might have had. Assuming he had an above average Constitution of 15ish, that puts him at an 8. ….No wonder he looks like shit!

  4. Except for the fact that when Jon dies… he says… ghost. maybe he warged into ghost right before he died and when his body gets reanimated as the fire wight, his conscience will travel back to his original body and it will be his same personality and soul inside his old body again. Give it takedown slight changes. I believe it's a possibility

  5. This point has me thinking. Not sure if anyone has brought this up yet, but what about Sir Jorah/Jon Connington? Someone needs to cure his/their grayscale. Couldn't someone kill them to stop the grayscale and then resurrect them? I'm working on more, just came up with a reference from the books listening to an old Radio Westeros podcast that kinda spells it out.

  6. If Jin is now not a living breathing human any more then why when Jon came back was he breathing like a set of bellows? Plus during the battle of the bastards when Jon was nearly trampled under all the bodies did he fight his way to the top gasping for breath? This could be a literal rebirth for Jon because he fought to survive, and is now fully human again?


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