Was Logan a Good Guy or a Bad Guy in Westworld Season 1

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  1. Nice video, you single handedly completely changed my perspective and view of the character…once again proving I’m dim witted and arrogant over my first impressions’ validity, so basically, screw you and thank you!

  2. ⭐⭐I'm excited- you're FINALLY doing WW again!⭐⭐
    I liked Logan (he reminded me of a friend) & after he shoved his sister's photo in William's face, I loved him. Logan saw the line between fantasy & reality; William was all f*cked up.

  3. I call him a deviant but without him Billy is still Billy. He would be great to have as a friend. The kind that would push you past your comfort zone. Like me getting you to do a live stream. 😂 lol.

  4. fuck no, he's a digusting sociopath! you can make his actions sound ok if you say them out loud, reminding yourself that it's all in the context of a computer game, but Logan has a super repulsive vibe all the time. he's obviously a terrible person.

  5. Logan had been to the "park" before. This was a place people came to be "bad". So love him or hate him he was just having fun. Even if someone pointed out they thought the robots were conscious, who would want to believe that after treating them so bad? Yes he could be a jerk but he was quite funny.

  6. You have great insights for sure. Many of us had to get much older before gaining these. Well done, my friend. I agree, from Logan's point of view he had no intention to be a bad guy. In many ways William is much more the villain. Look at how utterly and completely he takes it out on Delores that she turned out to be not what he wanted her to be (as far as we know). Wow, and ouch. Man in black…indeed.

  7. One small question: did they not say, somewhere in the season that if some of these automatrons would leave the park, they would explode and die?
    Logan is send off to the end of the park on an automaton horse. Methinks Will knew this.

  8. He's not a good guy. If he knew the robots are conscious/sentient/sapient then he'd be a bad guy. He seems to not be aware of that, so I won't hold that against him. But it's clear that Will did not believe that and that he really didn't like what Logan was doing, Logan also kept pushing Will to share things that Will didn't want to share. That to me does not make you a good guy. Especially since that's someone you're callign family. What would Logan do with poor people that he doesn't even know?? idk but I can see him being even worse to them.
    idk what I'd call him by what we've seen. I dislike dichotomies: good/bad, black/white. But he was certainly interesting.

  9. Logan is playing the game, he simply followed the rules, which meant he could be an ass. Billy went crazy, he is crazy now. His smile at the end of the finale, when everyone started attacking. Billy got most in the park, but Logan just played along, he was there to become friends. Fuck Billy man

  10. I wouldn't say he's a good guy, but he'S definitally a cool guy. I never really hated him or anything, because I felt that throughout the season not only with logan but also many other characters I had to remind myself, that they are not real. And while some of them were slowly trenscending, even to this day, I think that Maeve is the only one who had truly escaped her scripted plotline and character…
    So I constantly had to remind myself, and soon felt that William was kind of overdoing it in terms of getting attached to these characters, while Logan was sometimes snapping and givving them to little thought and was to reckless with them when they were at least somewhat human – at least acting very human, so I felt you'd naturally feel sympathy towards them, and to just shoot characters Logan got along with just fine was somewhat harsh.
    But on the other hand, Logan wasn't quite that bad. He wasn't cruel or playing a rapist or that sort of thing but just generally enjoying himself, while using murder as a way to further the story not to indulge in it.
    However later on, I just felt kind of sory for Logan… because of how william treated him. I mean they are the only two real people around, they got there to have a good time before William would marry logans sister. Yet William falls in love with the first girl he meets, completely forgets about Logans sister, makes the entire trip about said girl, than leaves Logan to be beaten up and then finally takes him prisoner and lets him leave the park naked. Sure the whole part about falling in love with dolres and leaving him with the confederados is still somewhat part of the game. But when William took him prisoner and forced him to ride naked into the sunset… that was clearly getting a step to far. And while Logan wasn't particularly nice to William all the time (there were some mean comments about being stuck-up, boring or an up-jump who'd never amount to much, and he was to recklessand dismissive with Williams feelings towards Dolores) , Logan pretty much followed William along, let him experience his first trip into the park, was fine with whatever William wanted to do, though he had some input of his own, but was also clearly concerned even early on, that William got to attached to Dolores. I kind of never realized how easy Logan forgave William for all the banter, even leaving him with the confederados.

  11. I think William was the bad (Broken) guy in a sense that he couldnt separate in his head that the park is not real and Dolores is not real. No matter how much Logan kept telling him. He fell in love with a fucking robot. Even after Logan cut her open he steal would not wake the fuck up.

  12. Watching this after already seeing the season awhile back. Logan was a regular guy playing a game. Its like me or anyone playing GTA 5 with a friend online and that friend getting all upset when I start running over NPCs or shooting police. Like Logan said…there robots and not real in Westworld but Williiam keeps acting like they are real people (Which BTW would be fucking annoying!!!)

    So IMO Logan was not good or bad…just a rich dude enjoying a VERY expensive game.


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