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  1. There are going to be A LOT of disappointed theorists when none of these theories come to be. GRRM is a much better and significantly more subtle writer than that. There are a few big twists, but there isn't one under every rock in Westeros.

  2. I think Shiera Seastar would seem more like Melisandre than anyone. We know shiera was well-read and knew many languages. She was skilled in the dark arts, and bathed in blood to keep her youth. Shiera could of easily went back to Essos and ended up making her way to Asshai to further study the dark arts.

  3. I might be speaking complete bs right now but I noticed something a while back in the series and this video got me thinking. So – when Bran meets Bloodraven for the first time (i think its season 4, episode 10), Bloodraven says "He (Jojen) died so you could find what you have lost." And he clearly wasn't talking about his ability to walk… So what did he lose ? At some point Old Nan was talking about all the Brandon Starks (i think its from the books) start to become one in her mind because of her years i guess.. so what if it's really just one Bran Stark? And every time he is reborn he has to "find" his abilities again? Again – it's just a wild thought but does anyone have anything on that?

  4. she wouldn't need to be 120 at all… that's based probably on later western ages of marriage etc… in the land of westeros people likely procreate by 16 or so… due to the huge loss of life incurred every generation from all the wars and other peril

  5. I think it is unlikely. I have heard of a (in my opinion) more likely theory: That old Nan was alive at the time Duncan and Egg make their way to Winterfell and Duncan and old Nan have an affair.. Hodor is therefore (just like presumably Brienne) a descendant of Sir Duncan the tall. This means however, that the timeline for Shiera is wrong, as she would not have been in Winterfell yet, Brandon Blackraven only being sent to the wall decades later. What supports this theory, apart from Hodors height, is a vision Bran has had of a very tall man with a woman in front of the heart tree in the gods wood in Winterfell. In his vision the timeline is going backwards and the position of this particular part of the vision would fit in well.


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