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Hey guys, Snapjelly here to talk to you about the Bolton shieldwall as shown in Game of Thrones, Battle of the Bastards. Lots of people have asked me to talk about the fight between Ramsay Bolton and Jon Snow and today I though I’d tell you my opinion about the shieldwall.



  1. For anyone wondering about the battle of Cannae:
    Hannibal had overwheling cavalry, a properly executed phalanx which this is not, equipment that suited the formation which in a medieval inspired setting like got wouldn't work
    and lastly they didn't surround their enemy, leaving a chance to escape you prevent people from panicking and out of desperation breaking through your formation.

    "When you surround the enemy
    Always allow them an escape route.
    They must see that there is
    An alternative to death."
            —Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  2. I definitely thought it was ridiculous that WUN WUN of all people (giants?) was incapable of just smashing through the shield wall will sheer size. Those little dudes with spears would likely drop their weapons and run, shitting their pants the moment he begin to charge their lines.

  3. I realize that this is a strategic analysis but, look, good theater. The shields and the pikes make for a good visual, especially with the steady advancing and the shouting. It's similar to a zombie plot device. JMHO.

  4. The wildings would need incredible discipline and organization with an officer/leader capable of recognizing what you have described and that the only way out is a concentrated attack on one area. Many men are going to die. This leader is going to have to be very popular with men willing to die for him (the first attackers at the designated weak point are almost just on a suicide mission.) The Boltons are in formation fighting as one component. The wildings are panicked, leaderless and fighting essentially "every man for himself." The situation the wildings are in at the start of the video is hopeless, while I agree with most of what you said, the wildings need a leader to direct them and to fight as one disciplined component to have any chance at a breakout.

  5. Coming from a huge history nerd…your wrong it could n does work.There have been many "shield n or pike walls in history. In fact the only thing I see little off is they wouldn't need the shield in combat just more pikes. This is exactly what the Macedonian army did in Alexander conquest . Also the same tactic was used later in history which could with the support of early fire arms beat calvary charges. the strongest unit in all of warfare till about the American civil war.

  6. Wildlings have never fought actual battles in large number of any sort and know nothing about warfare. But with that shield wall an actual army would be able to break through.

  7. One thing that keeps bugging me is that how did that HUGE pile of bodies was formed in the first place? It makes no sense, that it just was there for Bolton forces to close the gap. More proof that D&D are getting lazy.

  8. Yep this battle was so unrealistic. First off, Wun Wun could have simply GRABBED the pikes and threw them somewhere and boom giant hole in the shield wall gg boltons you lose. And I'm to lazy to put anything else in so I guess ignore the first off.

  9. The things ya said is quite easy to to do if it is situated in videogame; removing fear, self preservation and stuff. But in real life ya might not remember how to break the shield wall at all, fear grips you and you would stutter and fall than break the wall.

  10. Wildlings are untrained warriors, ignorant from battle tactics like that. And if john snow was to lead, they wouldn't receive the orders effectively. Good explanation, I just stated the reason why they didn't do that

  11. If they start attacking one pin point area the opposite side would squish them in its a medieval strategy used to defend against the Vikings (expert close quarters fighters, hard to kill and quick moving) and they couldn't beat it

  12. "if they got up to the shields both sides would have to fight around the shield so it would be an even fight" ummmmm no…… look up the roman phalanx for the answer to why.


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