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Hey guys, Snapjelly back again with another review(ish) video.
This time it’s about the famous Arakh, the sword the dothraki mainly use in game of thrones.
So is the sword realistic and practical/effective?
Turns out it’s not much of a fantasy design after all, it in fact looks a lot like the egyptian khopesh, falx and the shotel (or any other african sickle sword).
hope you enjoyed and thank you for joining my quest!
Isn't it basically a giant double-edged sickle?
it looks a lot like a Kurdish laz bichaq.
Well Inigo Montoya, if you knew so much about curved swords and used on of them, maybe you wouldn't have gotten several holes put in you
nigga u gay¨
It looks like a simpler version of the Ngombe Ngulu from Forged In Fire, and if African tribes really did use them then I would definitely consider the Dothraki sword realistic.
In the book the Dothraki are primarily horse archers similar to the Hun or mongols. I wish the show would have included that.
Did you see those Dothraki? They got curved swords… Curved swords…
I would like to point out that the dothraki arakh is unique in its own right, unlike the African blade you mention it has some length and can be held by 2 hands or one similar to a bastard or long sword. I would also like to point out the square or straight part that goes from the handle to the curve portion, you sort of mentioned it but for the most part that part is about 3-4 inches of dull blunt force metal that can be either sharpened on one side to act as a chopper or remain blunt to act as a sword catcher. The Arakh in the show is unique to it, it was never a true design from the books (as you pointed out). In both season 6 and 7 we got to see its effectiveness and how it would be used in both close quarters combat and on horse back.
Heya there ! Oh My Gosh most Work truly sounds like arabeutufideal :c
There are some good examples in the books of someone wearing armour fighting someone with an arakh. I like the chapter when Barriston fights the pit fighter guard. But as others have said arakhs are designed to be used from horseback
"you can do a lot with that hook" looks intently at camera then winkd
Heh, they showed all of the techniques you talked about in the latest GoT episode — good work!
SKIMITAR!? the C in scimitar is silent!
you are not butchering shotel as bad as you are scimitar.
You could also hook around the bottom of the shield for a crouch shot, and oft it wouldn't be armored too well
the Falx…the sword that defeated the roman army… never saw the light of day… a curved sword specifically designed to pierce armor, praised for its effectiveness against armored units… because of armor….
Um spear and shield was still the go to equipment even well after plate was invented for the common man since they couldn't afford plate or well much armor at all so something that you can put between you and incoming death was always preferred hence why shields were around until gun powder became popular because at that point they weren't able to protect you anymore and even during the height of plate armor's design I would still carry a shield because that's something to put between me and incoming projectiles that I am no wearing.
you got it right in a few ways, the khopesh went out of style for a reason. too flamboyant to be practical against a simpler to learn and immediately effective technique. all the comments about cavalry and open combat are correct however. just look at the polish cavalry if you need an example of unstoppable.
aren't dothraki similar to the the mongols in armor usage?
they seemed to do ok.
Another point: european cavalry sabers are curved the other round, thats because you DONT want your weap to get stuck in the enemy on horseback. You want to glance off, because the speed of the horse is doing alot of dmg still.
The arakh would just get ripped out of your hand if it made full impact imho.
Wouldn't the tip of that sword still be effective against armor though? Given that it essentially makes a spike (similar to a pick type weapon), you could essentially swing and pierce at the same time. It is a piercing weapon with the power of a swing. That could probably poke holes in armor better than a straight sword as well.
That's just a theory, given the shape of it. It is a weird design, but it seems fairly effective in the hands of someone who knows how to fight with it, and you're forgetting one other important factor, familiarity. Dothraki are familiar with the weapon, but how many others were? It's difficult to fight an exotic weapon not because of its effectiveness, but unfamiliarity with the techniques and capabilities. That also works well with their culture, because it means it is rare for someone to be able to best a Dothraki in a one on one 'honor duel' like they like to use to settle disputes. Outsides would rarely be able to counter a dothraki, unless they learned a fair bit about them, and in that case, they are already probably somewhat respected by them.
Before I watch the video; these kind of weapons were used by both Thrace and Scythia (historical nations on the border of Rome, around the Caspian sea).
Probably other cultures as well (though maybe not as weapons). They're excellend for dismembering foes, but poor versus armored troops iirc.
the fuck is this.
The Khopesh is literally my favorite sword. It's too bad swords attuned for stabbing are just all around superior to any other sort of blade, because it allows for two methods of fighting, and curved swords are not optimal for stabbing, but god dammit I love the Khopesh.
its just a kopesh
can you make a video about Spears and different types of Spears and ways to use them and the difference between spear and Lance
Dothraki are on horses. It's like a Scimitar.
look at kopesh (egyptian sword) its simillar
they live in grass lands with desserts, there are not that many trees and wood in general why would they develop bow and arrow? those where most likely developed in/around forests.
Curved weapons, including katanas, without pommels (meaning you can't use the sword as a backup crushing/hammer instrument to the skull, etc.) would suck against the straight swords, though. You can't thrust very well for obvious reasons, and even on horseback, would still be worse than straight sword-wielding, armored fighters of Westeros…Dany better get a bunch of new weapons made before she continues with her Dothraki army. I'm kind of surprised you didn't mention this.
Always loved the Kopesh seen in the film "Young Sherlock"
where are you from?
Using weapon of this shape by cavalry is comepletely retarded idea. There is a reason why sabres (and other sabre like weapons) were so popular among horsemen warriors. And there is a reason why blade in those weapons are on outside, not inside of curvature.
Expose perceive guard shift desire interview English rice.
always enjoying your videos snappy
Actually in the books the Dothraki use their bows a lot. But in the show they're kinda melee only.
If you really want one go for the Egyptian original (in bronze) not that piece of shit fantasy wannbes weapon with no use.
Don't even get me started on this piece of shit. Suffice it to say that both size and weight make it useless for actual combat, for horseback or on foot , it is a ridiculous thing to try and use.
Anyone with the brains of a horseradish would laugh their ass off faced with such a weapon. Right before they beat the monster aside and cut you to ribbons.
Jusrt because the original was a good idea at the time,does not make this also a good idea. They only useful arakh i know is an alcoholic drink form Dune. Now that, could be useful.
Your videos are great! All I can say to improve them is after you say "join me on my quest" is to have an intro with your channel title, to subscribe and like it only has to be 5-10 seconds but it'll make a world of difference.
Interesting points about the Dothraki and archery – we don't see any Dothraki archers in the show, although the Maester in season 1 tells Bran that Dothraki boys learn to shoot in the saddle.
And while I can see exactly what you mean about Dothraki vulnerability to arrows, because they've got no armour… what about Native Americans? They were famous for their archery skills and never wore any kind of armour – and apparently never developed swords,daggers and shields, although they did have axes, spears and knives. Possibly this reflects a general culture that spent most of its time hunting rather than fighting, and when they fought, it was usually as infantry? Martin's Dothraki are drawn from a few references, but one of them is supposedly Native American – but maybe a more fantasy idea of them than a genuinely informed opinion.
Here endeth the ramble 😉
Actually being able to cut a soldier might already be 'mission accomplished' There really wasnt a lot of cleanness back then 🙂
Rather imbalanced though.
Look for the reason, Roman imperial troops start to have an extra cross-guard at the top of their helmets after the Dacian wars and you have the answer to your question.
Hey, SnapJelly, I have a three-part request for you. I'd like for you to have a look at Dracula Untold, and analyze three things from it: Vlad's Dragon Armor (is it realistic?), Vlad's fight with the 1,000 Turks, and finally, Vlad's battle with Mehmed at the end.
The Dothraki just do not make any sense. How exactly are these wicker armoured goofballs who don't even have composite bows(re. Turkish Akinci who were supposedly able to put an arrow thru a reiter's helmet eye slits), no siege weapons or anything more than numbers or bad breath supposed to be an all-conquering horde like the Turco-Mongols? Jorah the Andal demonstrated the value of iron shirts when he easily beat Drogo's bloodrider thanks to his heavy armour. I just don't understand their supposed effectiveness, please can someone explain it to me?
that was daario you were thinking of.
WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? Every frikken time you ask me to join, but you never go into details! Yes, you give lengthy explanations on other topics after the question. Is that the quest? You never make it clear. The quest can be anything, ANYTHING!!! Like "My quest is to go to the moon. Oh, you are interested in swords, sure i can talk about swords. But only if you promise to join my quest." Now i have to sponsor some douchebags personal trip to the moon.
… are you the devil?
And for those who cant tell, im trying to jest, not insult or be mean.
i think the aim of dothraki sword. arakh is increasing the mass, they dont use the vertical part.
There was a Sword that could go right through Mail.
before i watch the video im gonna say yes its realistic as its most likely fashioned after the Egyptian khopesh. the better question would be is it practical?? I'll now watch the video to find out lol
You forgott to mention they are horselords so they don't fight on foot, basically never unless in a duel.